Aries rolled her eyes to the back of her head and muttered oh my god as she tossed him her keys which he caught smoothly with one hand. They switched sides, and as Leon twisted her keys in the ignition he noticed she had a keychain that had A&H written on it with pretty drawn black and brown hearts around it, it looked custom-made.

    Uh oh, Leon thought, who is the H? Is there someone else?

    There can't be.

    Pushing that thought aside he looked her way, "Buckle up buttercup, wouldn't want to get us a ticket."

    It was that comment that made Aries slowly turn her head to look at him with squinted and annoyed eyes. I hate you. "I'm about to kick you out of this car and run you over with it."

    Leon smiled, "Kinky, now let's go."

    When Leon backed the car up he went slowly to ease up Aries' nerves. "You destroy my car and you are buying me a new one, and it has to be this model"

    "You worry too much"

    When Leon makes it to the road he makes sure to drive as steadily as he can, he drives slowly but only the slowest the speed limit allows him to, he wants Aries to feel as safe as he possibly can. He steadily looks to his right and notices Aries' mouth is moving but she is silent, as if she was talking to herself. "What'd you say?"

    "I'm writing my Will in my head."

    Women, they are so dramatic. "Your Will huh? Who is getting your valuables?"

    "My dog."

    She answered that so fast like she didn't need a second to think about it. "Your dog" he repeats


    She's a dog person, so she must have a soft spot for animals. "You must care about your dog a lot, to give him all your valuables."

    "Him and only him."

    Her dog is a male. "Not even Chris?"

    "Not Chris."

    Burn, Chris. "Why's that?"

    "Why are you asking so many questions?"

    "No need to get hostile now, I was just trying to have a conversation. Notice how I haven't wrecked your car yet?"

    "Emphasis on yet." she sighs, turning her head to look out the window watching as the scenery passed her by.

    Leave her alone Leon, she doesn't feel good. The rest of the drive to the penthouses Leon left Aries alone and they arrived safely. Aries was surprised he didn't run them off the bridge but Leon just told her to keep faith in him sometimes. He was surprised he didn't crash into a building too.

    Leon offered to hold her up as they went to her penthouse but she declined his offer and he accepted it, at least she wasn't hostile about it. They made their way to the elevator and he pressed the 13th floor. The elevator ride was silent, mostly because Leon didn't know what to say to her and Aries was ready to get back to the comfort of her home and her dog.

    The elevator stopped and the doors slowly opened and they walked down the hall to her door, there with her keys she opened the front door and both she and Leon were greeted with loud and deep barking the source of the barking made himself known when a twenty-eight inch tall Doberman Pinscher comes running from the next room and he automatically runs to Aries's arms.

Dare To Love Me (Kingdom Of Cards) ➾ [L.K]Where stories live. Discover now