7: Aries' Home

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The next morning Leon is sitting outside of the medical center taking in the fresh air and clearing his head when he receives a call. "Chris?"

    "Leon, I need a favor from you."


    "I'm very busy right now, take Aries home for me will you?"

    "I can do that."

    "Thanks, are you two finally getting along or something?"

    A question Leon never expected to hear somebody ask him. "Something like that. What's her penthouse number?"

    "13, how is she?"

    "She's fine, It hurts to breathe she says."

    "I figured, she's strong, I'll come by her place later. Thanks again, Leon." With that being said, Chris hung up the call and it left Leon wondering. Why would Chris feel responsible for taking Aries home? And why did he sound guilty asking Leon to be the one to take her home since he was busy? There is just something about those two that Leon doesn't understand, they aren't related, they were never married or had a relationship (that he knew of at least), Chris is her higher-up, so what's going on there? Are they just that close?

    Something tells him that he will either never find out or he will have to find out for himself.

    Shoving his phone back in his pocket he entered the medical center and found Aries' room and when he walked inside she was already up helping herself out of the bed completely free of wires. "Guess you already heard you got the green light," Leon observed.

    "Yeah, and I'm going home, right now." Aries, hunched over with her hand over her tightly bandaged stomach, walks past Leon and through the doorway.

    Of course, Leon followed her from close behind. He can't let her fall on his watch, can he? "Chris has asked me to take you home."

    "Are you serious–" Aries rolled her eyes and sighed "Oh my god, Chris."

    Now Leon may be biased, but he thinks Chris made the right choice.

    "That's fine" she flicks her hand "as long as I get home."

    "That's the spirit!"

    They slowly make it outside the medical center, then the base, and find themselves in the parking garage. Leon continued following Aries from close behind with a hand forward, close to her waist but not touching her, as a precaution. Aries walked over to her vehicle, a black Chevy Impala.

    So, she likes Impala's. It's a beautiful car. Leon thought as he observed it, the inside was pretty clean, she seemed to be a neat freak. Leon broke himself out of his observant head when he noticed Aries was standing in front of her driver's side. "I'll drive you home."

    Aries snorted "Absolutely not."

    "Why not? I passed the driver's test."

    "You don't have your license."

    "I had one, it got revoked."

    "For a reason."

    "Just because I don't have my license anymore doesn't mean I don't know how to drive. Besides, you are injured and in no shape to drive, so unless you want to walk home–" Leon didn't finish his sentence, instead he raised his hand signaling her to toss him her keys.

    Aries didn't want to walk home, and Leon knew that very much, he didn't want to walk her home either. Their penthouses were not too far from the base, but far enough that walking would be a pain in both their asses (and legs).

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