8: Chris

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Aries woke up the next morning around 8 A.M. to her Doberman going crazy on his bone while he waited for his person to wake up. He was playfully growling and wiggling his body all over her blankets giving his bone no mercy. Letting out a quiet sigh, Aries laid her head back down on her pillow and looked up to the ceiling. Another day.

She helped herself out of her bed, "Hero, bed" Aries pointed to his dog bed in the corner. Hero jumped off her bed, walked over to his bed, and lay down while staring at her waiting for her next command. "Thank you," she said to him before she made her bed and placed the decoration pillows back on the bed. 

"Let me take a shower and I'll get your food alright baby?" Aries exits her walk-in closet with some clothes and she leaves her dog in her room, leaving the door wide open for him and she makes it into her bathroom, again leaving the door open for him just in case he wanted to sit in there with her.

Setting her folded clothes down on the bathroom counter, Aries turned on the shower and she stood in front of the mirror while she started to take off her clothes one by one. When she took her top off she had a good glance at her bandage wrapped around her gut collecting leaking blood from the pressure her stitches got from her body twisting and turning to different positions in her sleep last night. "That's attractive..." She said sarcastically and disgusted with them "I need clean bandages..."

But she will change them after her shower. She stepped in the shower letting the hot water rain on her body and the hot steam took her stress away. As she washed her hair she heard her door creak as it opened a little more. IS KENNEDY STILL HERE?! She covered her body with her shower curtain as she peeked out the shower to see who was walking in, only to hear claws tapping on her floor. "Hero, you scared me..." She sighed in relief as her Doberman came walking into the bathroom with his tongue out in a happy mood. "You can hang out with me but you cannot get in the shower, weirdo"

Hero barks and stands up on his feet being his natural playful self, he just wanted to play with his mama! "I'm busy baby boy"

He barks again

Aries playfully sighs and grabs the showerhead from its rack and she aims it in her dog's direction the dog immediately tries to catch as much water in his mouth as he possibly can like this was a game. Aries laughed at him and put the showerhead back on its rack once he got a good amount of drink from it. "You are crazy, I love you so much Hero, never change."

Hero barks and he sits down next to her shower then he lowers to his stomach and lays his head down while he waits for her to get out. "I think you need a bath soon Hero, how long has it been since you had one?"

Hero peeks his ears up slowly rolls his eyes in her direction and gives her guilt-tripping eyes.

"Relax, I didn't say when I was only making a suggestion"

Aries is a dog whisperer.

After Aries finished washing her hair and her body she stepped out of the shower once she asked her dog to move out the way for her. She dried off her body dug through one of her bathroom cabinets and pulled out her first aid kit. Once everything was ready she slowly removed the bloody bandage from her stomach and it revealed a bloody area circling the stitched-up line where the surgery happened. The stitches were black and they looked like spider legs digging out of her skin she thought.

Aries cleaned off the blood with a cloth and warm water, then she gently dried the area off with a dry cloth by padding the area softly and when she was finished she attached a new bandage to that area. Once she threw away the old bandage she helped herself get dressed.

Walking back to her bedroom she jerked back when she noticed a gift bag was sitting in front of her TV. That wasn't there last night, was it? Was I too tired to notice it there? That's the gift from Ashley. Chris brought it to my bedroom? Why not just leave it on the kitchen table? It would've been less effort. She walked over to the gift bag taking it to her bed where she sat down getting comfortable. She barely opens the bag and she immediately finds a vanilla envelope poking out of the red tissue paper, you know what that means. She pulled it out and Aries was written across the front.

Dare To Love Me (Kingdom Of Cards) ➾ [L.K]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें