He didn't say anything.

"...Well? Say something!"

Espresso looked at her. "What do you want me to say?! You interrupt me every time I try to say something!"

His mother looked down at him in disgust. "No, I don't. You could have gotten expelled," She scoffed. "And then what? Did you think about what would happen after that? Your future would have been ruined!"

Latte stepped up to them. "It wasn't his fault," She said. "Please, don't be mad at him-"

"Hush, honey." She turned and smiled down at her, her tone of voice completely changed. "Don't worry about this."

Espresso groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"Excuse you?" Mother turned back to him, anger filling her eyes again. "How dare you groan at me?! First, you get into a fight that could have ruined your future, and then you groan at me for worrying about it?!?" She yelled, her voice rising again. She sighed, trying to control herself. "You should be punished."

Espresso glanced up at her.

Silence filled the room as his mother decided what to do with him. "We'll wait for your father to get home," She finally said. "I'll let him deal with you."

Espresso tensed up as he looked at Latte, mentally begging her to do something about this.

Latte looked back at him before turning to Mother again. "Mother, please. He didn't mean to, it wasn't his fault. I don't think you should be worrying about this so much."

She shook her head. "Stop trying to take his side," She simply said. "It's no use."

The two stood in silence as their mother walked back to the couch, flopping down on it and watching TV again.

Espresso mustered up the courage to speak again. "Where is Father, anyway?"

"Out drinking."

He nodded, turning and walking up the stairs to their bedroom. Latte followed him.

Espresso shut the door as they stepped into the room. He walked over to their bunk bed, lay down on his bottom bunk, and screamed into his pillow. He sat back up, tears streaming down his face. He screamed again, punching his pillow in anger. Latte watched as he eventually got tired and threw the pillow across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the floor.

She stepped up to the bed, sitting down next to him. He was crying into his hands. "Hey, it'll be okay," Latte said, trying to calm him down.

"No! No, it won't! Are you deaf?? Did you not hear what she said?" Espresso said, staring at her. "She said that Father will deal with me, and he's out drinking! He'll come home drunk and beat the shit out of me!"

"I'll be there if anything happens. I'll stop him from doing anything crazy, okay?" She said.

He started to shake. "He'll beat me really badly this time. He'll do more than throw me into the table. I just know it."

She placed an arm around his shoulder, but he pushed her away and stood up, pacing around the room. "What'll I do?! I'll be dead by the time he's done with me, you know how he is when he's drunk!" He looked up at her, fear filling his eyes. "He yells at me when I breathe wrong, imagine what he'll do when he finds out I got into a fight!"

"Maybe he won't be too drunk," Latte said. "Maybe he'll just yell at you a little."

Espresso shook his head. Shakes were taking over his body. He could barely stand still. "No," He simply said.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Latte asked, beginning to get a little impatient.

An anxious sigh escaped his lips. "I don't know!" He yelled. "Just... Just be there with me when he gets home. Maybe he won't hurt me as bad if you're there."

Please Don't Tell My Parents - Espresseleine Highschool AuWhere stories live. Discover now