17: drunk words

Beginne am Anfang

When we finally finished,people already started flooding in and suddenly the whole house got filled up whit music,people, and it reeked of alcohol.
Nick had wandered off from me whit a guy after gigi left me to go off whit matt. Cam probably isnt here and i havent seen chris since the house got filled up.
I began to get worried and picked on my nails. As i lean back onto the wall, a guy appears next to me whit two drinks in his hand.
"Why is a pretty girl like you all alone? Come on, have a sip."
"No thanks." I give him a polite smile before walking off. I really hope he doesnt follow me.
I shuffle thru the people and look for gigi. When i find her standing in the living room talking to matt i go up to them and a sigh of relief exits my mouth.
"Oh thank god i found you."
They both turned to me and smiled.
"You okay babe? " gigi's voice was worried.
"Yeah i think so. This crowd is just making me overstimulated. I'ii be fine tho."
"Oh. Want me to find chris for you?" matt joins our convo and i nod.
"That would be life saving,thankyou." He nods and dissapears into the crowd.
"I love your costume." She smiles while her eyes travel around my dress.
"Thanks. I actually designed it"
A fake gasp enters her mouth
" of course you did. Im suprised your whole closet isnt just your designs." We both chukled.
"Well me and chris defo didnt top your and matts costume. Rapunzel and flynn? Come on."
"I did need to beg for it,but it was worth it. Everyone needs to be reminded of this iconic couple."
"You mean rapunzel and flynn, rigth?"
She rolls her eyes and then chuckles.
"We arent together. Were just.. talking."
"Mhm." I nod.

Matt comes rushing back whit chris behind him. When chris finally sees me, a sigh of relief exits his mouth and he cups my face whit his hand.
His cold hands that i always warm up.
"You wanna go somewhere quiet?" His eyes jumped across my face for an answer.
"No..i just, needed you." I bring up my hand and place it onto his that is on my face. A faint smile enters his face but it dissapears when his eyes shift behind me and he drops his hands off of me.
"Lily dont."

30 minutes before
Chris' pov

"Hey baby!i havent seen you in so long. You wanna go upstairs?" Lily runs up to me and starts fiddiling whit my tie.
I turn to nick and give him 'help me' eyes. He chuckles before lily grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. When we get into the room, she crawls onto the bed and literally props her legs up in the air.
"Lily, not now. We need to talk " i kept back my laugh.
"Oh okay" she sits down next to me on the bed, i lean my back to the headboard of the bed and cross my arms infront of my chest.
"You know, your a great girl. Your pretty and whatever but.. i cant keep this realationship going. I cant just stop myself from falling inlove whit someone else when this whole thing was forced. I never ever saw you like that,you just assumed it. Im sorry."
I see a tear fall from her eye, she sobs " this is because of her,isnt it? That fucking bitch." She wipes off her tear and grunts before getting up and leaving. Thank god,finally.
I wait a few minutes before leaving and going downstairs. I find nick talking to one of our classmates and i go up to them.

They both say hi,then we all turn when we notice a big crowd forming around one of the tables.
Lily stands on it whit a bottle of some kind of liqour in her hand. She screams before chugging down the whole entire bottle, the crowd around her chant 'drink, drink, drink'
"This is bc of you,rigth?" Nick says whit a chuckle.
I sigh before speaking up
"Yep. I just ended it whit her.'
"Well then,cheers to that. And to not have her around ever again.' He touches cups whit josh, (our classmate) and we all laughed.
Half an hour went by,then i kinda got anxious since i havent seen nai since the start of the party. My eyes jump around the room trying to find her but i fail,then suddenly matt came rushing to find me from the other side of the house.
"Hey uhm. Naeila's kinda like overwhelmed and stuff and she asked me to find you. She looked like she was about to have A panic attack."
"Take me to her" i say and we both went to find her.

Back to nae's pov

I turn around and find lily smirking at me whit her hands folded over her chest.
"Can i help you?" I tild my head to the side,i can feel chris' hands go around my waist.
"Well isnt it the lovely couple" she smiles. Is she drunk?
Her makeup was smeared on her face and her hair was shuffled around. I didnt understand whag she wanted,but she definently wanted to create something.
"You know, no one would think about you,the quiet girl as a whore. Rigth?
Innocent,quiet, always in the corner."
She says while sitting up onto the counter. My eyes follow her,i can feel chris tense up from behind me.
"Well thats not you. Your the type to fool anyone to get them to even cheat on their girlfriend because youre so desperate for attention.
I mean, your parents didnt give you any. Thats a point. But come on."
"Enough. Your drunk, lily" chris says. A crowd has already formed around us and flashing ligths are coming from the teenagers phones.
"Oh dont be such a party pooper chris. I mean look at you guys matching! Arent they so adorable?' She turns around a looks around the crowd. You can hear faint 'yes's come from everywhere.
"If you wouldn't be such an attention seeker,i could even like you. Look at her scars, people! I mean, she only shows them for attention. We all know that.
Tears start to swell up in my eyes, i cover both my wrists.
fuck, I complitely forgot to put on handwarmers.
Chris steps infront of me and looks lily dead in her eyes. Lily's gaze softened and she started to shake.
"Get out of my house. Now." Chris says.
Lily doesnt take a second and wipes her tears away before walking out the front door. Nick and matt along whit gigi have already come up behind me,crowding me.
Chris turns around and grabs my hand. He leads me upstairs and locks the door behind us to his room. I break down, my back falls to the wall and my knees get weak. He rushes over and brings me inti his arms, he holds me stronger than ever.

1990 words
Guys im sorry that i havent uploaded in a fucking month :"((
Btw here is everyones costume!!

_____1990 words Guys im sorry that i havent uploaded in a fucking month :"((Btw here is everyones costume!!

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Chris x nai = mr. And ms. smith

Matt x gigi = rapunzel and flynn

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Matt x gigi = rapunzel and flynn

Matt x gigi = rapunzel and flynn

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Nick = fred from scooby doo

ONLY YOURS - CHRIS STURNIOLOWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt