All The Wrong Moves | Clyde Donovan

Start from the beginning

"You're gonna break your tray." Token's voice pulls Clyde out of his thoughts and back to the group of friends he currently sat with. Grumbling something under his breath, he removed his spork from the cheap Styrofoam. Watching quietly, Token says, "Maybe you should go sit with her."

Clyde looks up. "At Stan's table? Hell no. I don't wanna sit with them."

"But (Y/N) does." Craig pipes up.

Clyde looked over once more, chewing on the inside of his mouth. Maybe he should sit with them. Reaching his decision, he picks up his battered tray and stands up. "I'll see you guys later."

"G-g-good luck!" Tweek squeaks after his friend.

Clyde walks over to Stan's table, pushing his shoulders back to try and feign the confidence he wasn't truly feeling. Once there, he sits on the other side of (Y/N), across from Kyle.

"Hey, (Y/N)." he greets her with a grin before digging into his food.

"Donovan," she barely spares him a glance before turning to talk to Cartman about the newest flavor of Cheesy Poofs. Disgruntled by the lack of attention, Clyde "accidentally" spills his carton of milk across the table and onto Stan and Kyle.

"Dude, what the hell!" Kyle exclaims, standing up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My hand slipped. My bad." Clyde suppressed a smile as (Y/N) turned to look at them, giving him the attention he so desperately seeks.

"What happened?" she demanded.

Kyle points an accusing finger at the brunet seated across from him. "This douche spilled his milk on me!"

(Y/N) trained her angry (e/c) eyes on Clyde. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she hissed before roughly grabbing his ear, forcing him to stand up with her. She began to drag him back to his table.

"Ow, ow, ow! (Y/N), let go! That seriously hurts!" he whined as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks.

(Y/N) shoved him at the table, him just barely managing to brace his arms against it to keep from tumbling to the ground. "Stay away from me and my friends. Got that?"

He nods, cradling his ear tenderly. She gives him one last dirty look before heading back to her own table, mopping up the milk on the table as Kyle and Stan excused themselves to call their parents for a new change of clothing.

"Smooth," Craig muttered.

Clyde buried his face into his hands, sniffling. "I don't understand." he groaned, voice muffled. This was going to be much harder than he had anticipated.


(Y/N) sat in Tweek Bros Coffeehouse, drinking a hot chocolate while reflecting on the events of the day. She, in all honesty, found Clyde somewhat cute. Now, that personality? No. She could deal with the crybaby part...maybe. But his ever-cocky behavior pissed her off to the point where she felt the urge to beat the shit out of him. If he weren't so full of himself, maybe she would have taken him up on his offer to go see a movie. But as it stands now, he has no chance with her.

"M-may I t-take your or-order?"

(Y/N)'s thoughts are interrupted as Tweek speaks up.

"I actually got what I came for." she says, waving her cup up at the jittering blond.

"I kn-know," he admits, giving her a sheepish smile before playing with the hem of his shirt. "I j-just wanted t-to t-talk to you about s-something."

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