Chapter 2 | One-On-One Sessions

Start from the beginning

Emily saw that Paige was now donning her regular clothes rather than a swimsuit and a cap, the way she had been dressed at tryouts. The girl had grown out her hair over the summer, and now it was relatively long rather than reaching just below her shoulder line. She had also gotten some highlights in her hair and started curling it.

It looked nice, Emily noted off-handedly.

"About what?" she asked, staring at her in mild puzzlement.

"About us," Paige insinuated, placing a warm hand on top of hers on the desk.

Emily glanced at it for a moment, expecting to feel something, anything. A single zing of electricity didn't pass through their touching skins, and she found herself gently retracting her hand, much to Paige's apparent disappointment.

"I've already told you everything I need to say," Emily said apologetically. "I'm sorry, Paige, I feel the same way that I did at the end of last year. That hasn't changed."

"Em, if you give us another chance, I know we'll be able to make it work," Paige tried.

"I don't want to make it work. That's not the kind of relationship I want to have. And I think you deserve way better than that too," Emily appealed calmly, trying to drive her point. She didn't want Paige to carry this feeling around all year, trying to force them together time and again.

"You are what I deserve, Emily," Paige insisted, her eyes turning slightly bleary as she stared at Emily. "I-I want you back."

"I can't give you that," Emily responded remorsefully. "I'm sorry, but my opinion's not going to change. It's better for the both of us if you let us go."

Paige's desperation deepened, dampness building up in her brown eyes, "I still want you, Em, I-"

A shadow suddenly fell over them, and they both turned to find Ms. DiLaurentis approaching, her gaze subtly transferring between the two of them, as though trying to assess the scene.

"Um... Paige, I have a tutoring session right now, so," Emily quietly told her, a woeful tone to her words. "Think about what I said, okay? I want the best for you, but I can't change what I'm feeling."

Paige wiped secretly at her eyes, nodding slowly. She got up from her seat, meeting Ms. DiLaurentis' inquisitive gaze for a split second. She looked away, embarrassed, before walking off, tugging at her hands.

Emily morosely watched her leave, swallowing the lump she felt in her throat. She hoped Paige would eventually understand that she was thinking of her too when she told her they shouldn't get back together. Paige didn't need to be in a relationship with someone who didn't reciprocate her feelings or the volume of her emotions.

"Hey," the blonde softly called out, pulling her out of her thoughts, "you okay? That seemed kind of intense."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Emily sighed heavily, turning in her chair to face the desk as Ms. DiLaurentis settled in the seat by her side, where Paige had sat just a minute ago.

"I'm sorry that I'm late," the teacher apologized, "I got a distressed call from my sister because she thought her car had been stolen, and-"

"What?" Emily asked in a panic, concerned at the news.

"Oh, no, her car's fine," she rushed to soothe her. "My sister just happens to be an idiot, who parked it where she shouldn't have and it was towed."

"Oh," Emily said with a faint grin of relief. "Well, I was just worried, I didn't know if maybe you had forgotten about this or..."

"No, not at all," Ms. DiLaurentis dismissed in a gentle tone, "I really am sorry."

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