jack x jack

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gilinsky and johnson enter gilinsky's empty house, hand in hand, laughing. the jacks made their way to the couch, plopping down on it. "i had a lot of fun tonight," johnson smiled shyly at his boyfriend. gilinsky rested their foreheads together, smiling. "me too, baby."

johnson placed his small hand on the back of gilinsky's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. soon, the sweet and gentle kiss turned into a heated make-out session. "the bedroom, jack." was all johnson mumbled against gilinsky's lips, lust taking over their bodies.


johnson laid on his bed, a wet cloth on his forehead to keep it cool. "what the hell." johnson scrunched his face up as he felt the all-too-familiar sick feeling rise up his throat. he quickly ran to his restroom, clutching the white, porcelain bowl. "fuck!" johnson cursed, completely frustrated with not knowing why he was sick all of a sudden.

he brushed his teeth to get the disgusting taste out of his mouth, and went to his bed, opening up his laptop. with the help of google, he typed, 'why am i throwing up all of a sudden.'

he scrolled down through the first article, and read it. part of the article read, 'armed with an understanding of why we vomit, we can now look at the most common causes of nausea and what, if anything, we can do about it. although there are several individual reasons for vomiting, they all boil down to three basic things: 1. something irritates the brain, 2. something irritates the gut, 3. pregnancy.'

johnson almost choked on nothing. pregnancy?! no way! johnson bit his lip. it's impossible! he's a guy. but there was always that 'what if' feeling in his gut that made him nervous. what if he actually is pregnant?


"jack johnson?" the nurse called out at the hospital. johnson stood up, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans and followed the nurse. after reading the article on the sudden vomiting, johnson booked an appointment with a doctor.

"so what's the problem?" the nurse asked gently as she took his blood pressure. johnson took a deep breath. "i've been feeling very nauseous lately, and throwing up often. um, i have been getting really tired lately, too."

the nurse wrote it all down on his file. "hm," she said before closing the file. "the doctor will be here shortly."

johnson sat nervously, fiddling with his fingers. "hello," said a middle-aged woman. she grabbed his file and spoke again. "so you've been experiencing nausea and fatigue?" jack nodded. "we're going to have to run a couple tests, so first off, the urine sample." she handed him a small, plastic cup, and pointed to the restroom in the room.

jack did his business, and handed the cup to the doctor. "the nurse here will do you blood samples while i run some tests on your urine."


"well this might be shocking to you, but you're pregnant!" the doctor smiled. johnson turned pale, and thickly swallowed. "would you like to see how your baby's doing?" he nodded. he couldn't speak. "lay back, pull you shirt up and you right arm behind your head, please." jack did as told. she grabbed the transparent gel and squirted some on his stomach. she rubbed the transducer on his stomach, turning her head to the monitor screen. "wow, would you look at that; twins!" she turned the screen, so johnson would be able to see them. just two little dots on the screen were able to make a tear slip out of his eye. "wow," was all he could choke out.

"would you like a copy?" the doctor gave him a small smile.

"yes, please."


johnson took a deep breath, then knocked on gilinsky's door. "coming!" he heard jack yell. he saw the door open, revealing his boyfriend. "baby!" gilinsky immediately wrapped johnson in a loving hug.

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