13: Son of the Nightshade Alphas

Start from the beginning

Wasting no more time, she burst into a run in the opposite direction of the haunting sounds. As an unsettling stillness descended upon the forest, she jogged to a sudden stop. Mist spilled across the forest floor, its tendrils rising all around her. From within the swirling fog, a nightmarish creature emerged, opening its enormous maw brimming with razor-sharp, snake-like teeth. Annika screeched at the top of her lungs as she whirled around. In her frantic attempt to flee, she tripped over an overgrown root, tumbling down a steep hillside and landing in a puddle of dark, inky substance.

A shriek tore from her lips as the substance spread over her forearm, searing her skin. Sharp blades grasped her shoulders, digging deep. Rivulets of blood trickled down her arms as she fought against the one holding her captive.

"Ann!" The illusion shattered, and she realized it was Devyn who held her. "Have you lost your mind? Only dark fae can walk through these woods without losing their sanity."

She attempted to break free from his hold, but he wouldn't budge. "I would rather lose my mind than be near you."

"What's with the sudden change?"

"I saw you—you attacked her in the woods!"

His eyes gave away his guilt. "I did, but what did you expect me to do? They trespassed into my territory uninvited. If it had been any other pack who had done what we did, no one would question them. Besides, I ordered them to leave Asthien Forest and never return. I showed them far more mercy than rogues have been shown by pack wolves."

"Let me go." He listened, only to sweep her up in his arms, carrying her in a bridal style. In the blink of an eye, they were back inside the cabin. As he set her back on her feet, she brushed away the errant locks of hair that had fallen over her face and tried to conceal the effects his touch had on her. "Don't touch me again."


"I want to go back, Devyn. This will lead to nothing good. My father--"

His eyes darkened. "I'm not afraid of your father, or anyone."

For what felt like an eternity, they held each other's gaze in a heavy silence. He raked a hand through his untamed curls before sighing. "Ann--"

"Why can't you understand that I'm mad at you? For months, I believed I was falling for Gregory. When in reality, it was you wearing his face. What was the purpose of deceiving me like that? Forget it, it doesn't even matter." She bridged the distance between them, glaring at him in the most threatening way she could manage. "You broke my trust, and I need time to think."

A faint smile tugged at his lips as he leaned closer. Surprised, she stepped back, her eyes widening. "You truly look adorable when you're angry."

"Devyn, I'm serious."

Laughter filled the room. "Jeez, just kiss and make up."

Annika whirled around to find a tall woman leaning against the wall opposite them. She gathered her long, lustrous, golden-bronze curls into a high bun before offering a friendly smile at Annika. "Hi, I'm Luna."

"Seriously?" Devyn remarked.

"Oh, was I supposed to give her a fake name? Well, too late now," she said, removing the mask she had been wearing.

Annika stared in utter disbelief at the woman Scarlet had informed her was currently dating Frederick. "Does Frederick know?"

Luna's hazel eyes flickered amber. "That I'm a rogue? Yes, but not that Devyn is my brother." She propped her hands on her hips. "So, for how long is she going to stay?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"Will this not further infuriate them?"

Devyn shrugged as he made his way into the open-concept kitchen. "I couldn't care less."

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