14: An Ally's Gifts

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Annika stared at Leo as he stood before them in the regal guise of a true vampire. He was almost identical to her mother and grandfather, except for the intricate marks adorning his body, which now resembled faint scars. He tilted his head, observing his large razor-sharp claws before his bat-like wings disappeared into his back. His forehead bridge softened into a more human appearance as his brows returned to their usual state and the angles of his nose became less pronounced.

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you all going to continue staring?"

"Well, we're still in shock, so give us a minute." Luna eyed him like he was a specimen under a telescope. "It's outstanding that your vampire side remained dormant for so long—though, now that I think about it, Annika's did as well, so perhaps vampire genes are weaker than others."

When a low groan escaped his lips, Annika asked, "Are you in pain?"

He rested his hand over his chest where his pack mark was. As he unbuttoned his shirt, silence enveloped the room. His mark glowed obsidian before thin lines spread across it. The mark faded as the lines twisted and weaved together to form the image of a howling wolf, her father's pack symbol.

"Well, that confirms it." Luna rested her hands on her hips. "So, what do you plan to do now?"

"What do you mean?" Annika asked. "He has to tell my father--"

"Give me time, okay?" His gaze averted to the floor. "I need time to process everything."

"Of course." Annika inched closer and enveloped him in a heartfelt hug. Tears of happiness trickled down her face as he reciprocated the embrace. For years, her parents had searched for her long-lost siblings. Even though she had clung on to hope, a part of her questioned if they would ever be located. It felt like a dream, but it was real—Leo was her sibling. However, this opened the doors to far more questions.

Hours later, Annika found herself seated at the table, watching as Devyn skillfully prepared a meal. Luna had attempted to take on the task earlier, but Devyn had insisted she get some much-needed rest and forbade her from getting up until she fully recovered. When Annika had offered to take over the cooking duties herself, he reminded her that she was his guest. She didn't protest. While her mother had taught her numerous recipes, cooking wasn't exactly a passion of hers.

As Devyn placed a plate of food in front of her, Annika asked, "Do you think the alpha knows the truth?"

Devyn settled into the chair beside her, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "I hope not."

"But he should have known Leo wasn't his son—he bore a fake mark."

Gregory sat on the opposite side of the table and began to eat as he chimed in, "For all we know, they could have abandoned Leo at Emeric's doorstep after altering his mark. Sonia took Mason and Candice's children to make them suffer. In her eyes, it would cause them great pain to know their children had been right under their noses all along."

"But then, Leo's twin could be anyone near my parents."

"Blood calls." Gregory became lost in his mind. "Leo could have gone to any other island, any other town or city within Etris. He chose the closest one to Mason and Candice."

Annika took a bite of her food and paused. "What do you think will happen when my parents know?"

Devyn answered her with a grim tone. "That man better have a damn good story. If not, I doubt Mason will show him any mercy."

Annika hesitated. "We could try asking Sonia for answers." Both men fixed their gazes at her. "What?"

"Ann," Gregory began. "That she-wolf can't be trusted. Besides, entering the prison without permission would be breaking the law."

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