•Chapter 45•

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I HAD JUST FINISHED the last page of the fantasy novel I picked from the shelf. I lay flat on my bed, staring at the ceiling while I tried to reason out the concept of the story. Fantasy novels weren't my favorite, but since it was the last in the row of books I intended to read, I had no choice but to give it a go.

A slight knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts. As I stood up gently to make my way to it, the banging increased, almost as if the person knocking wanted to pull the door off its hinges.

For a moment, I was frightened, contemplating whether I should open the door or not. What if the house was being robbed, and my room was next to be ransacked? I stepped away from the door slowly, trying not to make any sound that might alert my presence.

"Zoey, please open the door," Mackenzie's voice came through, and I let out a deep sigh.

God damn it, I thought I was about to be robbed.

I reached for the knob again and clicked it open. Before I could take my hand off the door, Mackenzie forced her way in through the small space. She was crying, her face red, and her eyes peering into mine with anger.

I was confused for a moment. What could have made Mackenzie cry so much? The question lodged in my throat when she spoke.

"Zoey, how could you?" she asked. "I asked you if you knew him."

Her last statement made my heart clench in my chest. What was happening at that moment was exactly what I had never wanted. "I thought there was no point in telling you, since we're no longer together," the words fell slowly from my mouth.

She winced and sniffed. "Liam broke up with me," she said, her voice trembling. "He said he's in love with someone else. He's in love with you!"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Liam," I apologized, instantly regretting it the moment the words left my mouth.

Mackenzie walked closer to me, her anger palpable. "You destroyed my relationship, you slut. Liam and I were perfect together before you came."

Tears welled up in my eyes out of guilt for not telling her about Liam sooner, as I watched her crying and throwing things at me. It felt like my world had been shattered, and my resolutions were nothing but trash. I was speechless as I tried to dodge the items she hurled at me.

My attempts to explain only seemed to make things worse.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know he was going to break up with me," I tried to explain.

"How could you say that? You knew everything, you knew I loved him, and you didn't tell me about your relationship with him," Mackenzie shouted, her voice filled with anguish.

"Don't say that!" I cried. "He left me, and for over two months, we didn't see each other. I moved on, and he did too."

"I don't want to see your face ever again, I hate you!" Mackenzie shouted before storming out of the room.

I collapsed onto my bed, wiping away the tears. Everything felt like it was my fault. If I had told Mackenzie about Liam sooner, it wouldn't have felt like such a betrayal. But I denied it, thinking I was sticking to my resolutions. I thought I had moved on.

"Liam is a jerk. If I see that asshole, I'm gonna punch the hell out of him," Dylan muttered as he walked into my room.

I looked up at him. "You were right. I should've told her about Liam and me," I mumbled.

He sat next to me and pulled me close. "I knew it would come to this, but I didn't expect it to turn out this way. You can't blame yourself for this. Everyone makes mistakes."

He stroked my hair gently as I rested my head on his shoulder. "I feel so bad. All Mackenzie ever did was help me. She was a true friend," I murmured.

"Mackenzie is just reacting to the pain in her heart right now. I'm sure with time she'll understand. Don't feel bad," Dylan reassured me.

The following weeks in the house felt like hell, especially for me. Mackenzie avoided me, unable to even look at me when our paths crossed. Layla, usually supportive, was the worst. She probably called me names I couldn't even imagine. It was too much to bear.

Zoey to Ashley: I've decided to move out of Mackenzie's house because of our misunderstanding. I think it's the only way for her to heal quickly. Sis, I didn't mean to cause issues between you and your friend. I hope she can forgive me, and you can too.

I began packing my clothes into a bag, even though I had no idea where I would go. I begged to stay at Sarah's place for a few days until I could figure out a better living situation, one that wouldn't be too far from campus.

Dylan was waiting by the car for me. When he saw me, he walked over and collected one of my bags, placing it in the trunk. Afterward, he opened the car door for me, and I climbed in, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

A notification sounded on my phone. I checked it and saw a reply message from Ashley.

Ashley: Don't blame yourself too much for what happened. That guy is a jerk. How could he do such a thing? If he truly loved you, he would've waited for you. I'm glad you're okay, and I'll try to talk to Mackenzie. Just stay cool. I'll look for other accommodations for you.

Zoey: Sis, I'm glad you care so much about me. Please, let me handle finding accommodation this time. I promise to find something better.

(Ashley sent a smiling emoji)

Ashley: Okay. Stay safe. Mom and Dad want to do a video call with you in the evening.

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With love
Clara Joel

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