"You won't believe what happened," Pen told him animatedly.

He looked at her making a sign that she would tell him.

-Eloise said she wanted to get married, has already gone to two balls in good spirits, and has danced with the suitors, being kind, she hasn't complained even the first time.

Colin's mouth was open.

-it is impossible

-I thought the same thing but Marcela assured me, there is a dance tonight, we have to go. I want to see everything in the front row.

After Thomas finished eating, Marcela took him away and they were alone. They both bathed to relax their muscles because making love on the wooden floor, then sleeping on it, and spending two days traveling had destroyed them.

They would have stayed in the bathroom all afternoon if they weren't so hungry. Upon arriving at the dining room they were approached by Hyacinth who was playing with little Anthony and Kate.

-did you rest? Kate asked.

The couple looked at each other.

"We need a break from the holidays," Pen replied.

-Is it true that Eloise is welcoming suitors? -Colin couldn't wait anymore.

The viscountess looked around to make sure that only the couple heard her.

-When we arrived she told Violet that she wanted to get married this year, but that's not the strangest thing. She almost forced me to write about it in the pamphlet, she wanted me to describe everything, how she is dressed, who are the ones courting her, what they look like, everything.

-That's not normal, she hates that -Pen stopped, suddenly understanding.

Colin looked at her curiously.

-What conclusion did you reach?

Penelope knew she couldn't tell her husband.

"I think El really wants to get married," she lied.

Pen looked at Kate who understood that there was something else that Lady Featherington did not want to mention in front of her husband, so she did not press.

-So here you are, welcome - Eloise greeted.

Colin was surprised to see his sister so changed.

-Who are you and what have you done with my sister?

-What are you talking about, I'm still the same.

-Is it true that you want to get married? -Penelope asked.

Eloise looked at those present.

-I'm doing an experiment, okay.

-what? -Kate and Penelope asked.

-can you know what? -Colin asked.

-I've been trying to convince my mother to leave me alone for years, but since we all know that's not going to happen, I decided it's better to play on the same team.

-I don't understand, so you want to get married? -Penelope answered.

-No, I want to see how many marriage proposals I can get by pretending to be someone I'm not, and then acting like myself. It's a study, you understand.

The three of them were confused.

I don't believe anything Penelope thought.


Penelope knew her friend too well to believe that all this theater was for an experiment, so she went to her sister-in-law's room before getting ready for the dance that night.

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