3. Who's Counting?

Start from the beginning

"No problem," I said, taking a step closer to her. I dropped the cigarette on the ground and smothered the end with a sneaker.

Destiny's eyes widened when my arms snaked around her waist, lifting her off the ground to be placed over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" She yelled, shattering my eardrum as I strode over to my car in the back of the parking lot while she relentlessly banged her fists against my back.

"Giving you a lift," I said, simply. It had been what she asked for in the first place, so I unceremoniously dropped her in the front seat of my Jeep as I got in the driver's side.

Starting the ignition, I shrugged when Destiny mumbled a quick thanks for taking her home.

"Yeah," I clipped, peeling out of the parking lot as I continued, "I just have to make a stop at a place nearby and I'll take you home."


The ride was mostly silent and anyone who knew me also knew that I hated awkward silences. To diminish the awkwardness, I turned on the radio to the alternative rock station and hummed along to the tune, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel.

"This music is awful," Destiny commented, earning a disdainful look from my way, "And so is this junkyard."

Parking the Jeep in a rocky parking lot, I hopped out of the car and locked the doors, telling clown girl I'd be back in a few minutes before I headed into Walmart.

My parents, no matter how much they tried, could never control me in the way they wished they could. They didn't know about my...problem.

Well, I wouldn't exactly call shoplifting a problem so much as it was a crime, which it definitely was.

So, I had to be stealthy with it.

Checking to make sure that the only security camera was the one in the front of the store, I went to the back of the store to the men's section.

A few watches of pure gold were set up on a display in front of an employee with graying hair who was currently asleep on the job.

It was almost as if he wanted me to steal, I mean borrow, a watch.

Or two.

I walked past the glass counter with the display and snatched my hand out fast, slipping two watches into the pockets of my pants and continued walking as if nothing had ever happened once confirming the worker was still sound asleep.

I always made sure to glance unsuspiciously over my shoulder to make sure no one had seen me with my new find, but for some reason I didn't do that this time.

Looking back, I realized that I should have just turned around. Then I would've been able to see the threat before she attacked.

I figured I was extremely lucky to have gotten away with taking not one, but two watches of pure gold. That would surely give me at least five packs of cigarettes, if not more.

"Hey! Give that back!"

I froze just at the exit of the automatic doors when a voice demanded for me to stop.

That was around the same time I noticed that the watches weren't the only things that were weighing my pants down, but there was another culprit there as well.

Because the largest sized polka dot bra I had ever seen was also hanging out of my pocket.

Women shot me dirty looks and men gave me widened eyes, but some people openly laughed at seeing the foreign object in my pants.

My eyes roamed down the length of the body of the saboteur and back up, landing on her chest and staying there as I plucked the bra out of my pocket and held it up to her, looking back and forth from Destiny to the bra.

"I think you need a smaller size," I said, hitching my eyebrows.

"You're a smaller size," she retorted, flushing red as she processed what she just said.

This girl seriously had no filter and was the quirkiest and most weirdest girl I had ever met.

"Want to bet?" I challenged, moving my hands to the waistband of my pants.

Her cheeks puffed up and her face somehow turned an even darker shade of red.

"No! You're such a perv," she said, disgusted.

I snorted. "Pfft, says the one who shoved a bra in my pocket," I scoffed.

"I won't let you shoplift," she said, darting a hand into the pocket with the watches. Her skinny arm flashed back to her side, holding two shiny watches.

"Give those back," I growled, holding out my hand in warning.

Without answering me, Destiny spun on her heel and sped to the back of the store to where I had found the unguarded watches.

Destiny Campbell was going to be the death of me and I refused to allow her to steal all of my bad times. She could try, but she'd never beat me.

At least, that's what I thought because the score was now two to one, her lead.

But who was counting?

Right; I was.

Which meant I'd have to be sure to steal her next good time, per say.

And I knew just what to do.


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