Chapter 2

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Took me this week to finish it and I wrote it down so please enjoy ps the "..." are like small time skips
Mystery girl and ghostly were in their English class but didn't speak since it's been almost 2 years since they broke up but mystery girl still had feelings got him, she he didn't have those exact same feelings for her but little did she know she was wrong..."alright class since most of the students are gone, I'm going to assign partners" their teacher announced to the class as he began assigning students with each other, mystery girl felt her stomach drop when she didn't get partnered up with any of her friends. "And lastly ghosty and mystery girl, here's your topic" he handed ghosty the papers, mystery girl felt uncomfortable since the last time they talked ghosty called her annoying. Mystery girl wasn't talkative in that class period and worst part was that ghosty asked to work on it at her house," damn" she mumbled "uhh..sure" she said softly as the bell rang, she grabbed the papers and binder and walked to her next class, when she entered the classroom she texted her mom and told her to tidy up since it wasn't that dirty....when mystery girl returned home the house was tidy and not that dirty, ever since her two older brothers left the house it was more tidy than ever, all mystery girl needed to do was pick up her clothes she threw that morning. She quickly put away her basket and remembered that she didn't tell her mom about her ex coming over and as if things couldn't get any worse ghosty was dropped off in front of her house, mystery girls mom(Ana) knew who he was and her reaction was surprising "mama are you okay?" Mystery girl asked her mother "yes I am just surprised that ghosty is here, I'll make food for you both" her mom told mystery girl. They both heard a knock on the fence door which made her dogs start to bark loudly, her mom went to calm them down while mystery girl opened the door "come in." She whispered as she looked down, ghosty walked in and once he did mystery girl closed the door, "follow me." She said in a hushed tone, she took him to her room and walked in, her guinea pig cookie started to squeak and popcorn. "Your guinea uhh...adorable?" He said in an awkward tone as he looked around her room, "huh..your room is smaller than before" ghosty commented as mystery girl hummed in response, "here use this as a chair.." she told him as she moved a small nightstand over to him. Ghosty accepted and mystery girl sat on her bed they got out their computers and started to do their own part, when mystery girl is focused she finishes quicker than usual....ghosty and mystery girl finished earlier than expected and were watching scary stories on YouTube while eating the snacks Ana got, "..Do you wanna know why I ended it with you?" He asked out of nowhere which caught mystery girl girl off guard but she hummed in response, "I wasn't ready to be in a relationship.." mystery girl nodded, "I understand but you hurt my feelings when you called me annoying..." she told him, remembering that day made her tear up but she didn't let the tears win, "what do you mean I called you annoying?" She looked at him and took out her phone showing him the message he sent her. Ghosty was surprised himself as if he didn't know, "I never sent you that" he told her "but, you did it's from your account" she replied, they both sat there confused not knowing what to do...mystery girl and ghosty were trying to figure out who sent it when Ana came in the room, "ghosty your mom called and said your sleeping over" she told him and he wondered why as Ana walked out then back in with some blankets and a new pillow, "mys, your sharing your room if you couldn't tell" Ana told her and mystery girl wasn't upset nor happy, her mom left the room leaving the two exes alone in silence. Ghosty laid on the floor and mystery girl laid on her bed, ", who do you think sent the message?" She asked him who stayed silent for a moment, "probably one of my sisters or cousins" he replied to her question, "Okay good night.." she said in a soft tone as they both slowly fell asleep.....the next morning mystery girl had gotten up during the night and fell asleep next to ghosty, she woke up next to him who took embarrassing pictures of her, "..ahh!! What the heck?!" She got away from him and looked at him in shock, "you fell asleep next to me and I was gonna edit them! Sorry" he said defensively as he sat up and looked at her, "I didn't want the moment to end.." he said which made mystery girl get butterflies, she got up "stop play around.." she got her outfit ready and went to change in the bathroom and came out "..Fine but hurry we still have school" She told him as she left the room letting ghosty change.....Mystery girl and Ghosty walked to school since Ana was sick so mystery girl had to take her little sister Nyx to school with her....the school day had just ended and msytery girl waited for ghosty in the back while holding her baby Nyx, soon ghosty met up with them, "Hey sorry my mom called me and told me that I need to get something from the house, your welcome to come with me" He explained to her as mystery girl nodded a little confused as they left and walked to Ghosty's house...They were around the corner to his house but ghosty was thirsty "Hey ima get something to drink want anything?" He asked mystery girl "Just get some water for Nyx please" she answered as he went inside and got the waters and a sugary drink for mystery girl, he paid and came back out "let's go now " He told her as they drank a bit then continued to walk which his house was 5 minutes away....eventually they made it and went inside the house and saw his Diana(His mother) standing in the doorway holding a bag, "Hey, this is mystery girl and her little sister Nyx" Ghosty introduced them to his mother which Diana gave mystery girl a dirty look and it made little Nyx upset, Mystery girl cradled her little sister and excused herself for a bit then came back "Sorry she was hungry, but pleasure to meet you" She smiled at diana and diana did not return the smile, she smiled at ghosty "be safe, I want you to understand that your father and I need some time alone so just relax and continue with your studies" She told ghosty as he nodded and they left, mystery girl knew something was up and didn't bring it up to him....They were at her house/room again and nyx was asleep in her crib " was your mom " She said out of nowhere which caught ghosty off guard, "Why would you say that? She is my mother she adored you" he said as he turned to her with his arms crossed "Thats not true. she gave me a dirty look and besides she could've snuck into your room and texted me through your phone then left" She explained but ghosty couldn't hear that so he started getting defensive, "your just being over sensitive" they both knew he crossed the line, good thing mystery girl's family wasn't home, "..I bet you sent it and now want me back, you broke it off with me in the first's your fault" she said as she grabbed her pillow, blanket and a bag with clothes, "You can sleep alone..don't speak or look at me" She told him as she was about to walk out, "Oh and forget about the date, just focus on your part of the assignment." With that she left and went to the shed she used as a second bedroom, but little did she know it was someone else behind the text message someone she didn't expect to be a backstabber......


Words: 1,399 :)

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