First step into the New World

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The rumbling got louder as i hear running. The Maiden on the bed looks at me "hey ummm do you have my weapon somewhere because I NEED IT LiKE RIGHT NOW" she yells so loud. "No I dont but here take this" I grab the halo scythe from my magic bag and throw it to her.

(This one) She looks at me weird, but i ignore her and look to the entrance where i see dozens of Black Wolfs with white masks rushimg at me so i used my twin blades ash of War bloody slash and killed half dozeb then used my other twin blade and u...

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(This one)
She looks at me weird, but i ignore her and look to the entrance where i see dozens of Black Wolfs with white masks rushimg at me so i used my twin blades ash of War bloody slash and killed half dozeb then used my other twin blade and used black flame Tornado on any others that got to close to me turning them to ash. After that I see a a much larger wolf that looks partly humanoid, its red eyes shined brighter then the lesser wolfs. The wolf charges, rasing its clawed hand in the air ready to kill me. "How foolish of you left yourself wide open" i side step it and cut the wolfs body in half then used my ash of war bloody slash cutting its head off. "These things are pittiful" I said to my self as I turn around seeing the maiden finishing off the rest that got past me. "You know for not knowing how to use that your good" I yell to her as she cuts three wolfs heads off in a single stroke. "Thanks" the maiden said. I look at her elegantly maneuver the scythe U gave her killing the last wolf . I look at the maiden and realised I don't know her name "May I ask for your name?" She looks at me "my name is Summer, Summer Rose. What is yours?" "I don't remember my name, but you may call me Tarnished" she looks at me with her head at a slight tilt "how do not remeber your own name" "Its a long since forgoten story lost to time" I replied. We stood thete in silence then she spoke up " how are you even alive you've been here for I don't even know how long, what are you" I look at her and shethe my weapons on my back " I'm what you call tarnished an undead warrior destined to fight forever, gifted with grace" I said as I look at her. "Ok mister tarnished how do we get out of here, cause if you couldn't tell we are kinda deep under ground and only way out is blocked soooooooo" She looks at me waiting for an awnser. "We will travel to another grace away from here let us go" when i finished talking I walked over and sat down next to the grace "Come, sit, and grab my shoulder" she raises à eyebrow, but complices. When she sat down and grabed my shoulder and thought of good place to go. "What east from here Summer" "I think its uhh atlas Im not sure though" "Then we go there" before she can ask gold particles start floating around and spin around us slowly, then they speed up. You close your eyes and reopen them now in a cave. With the entrance right beside you. "Finally fresh air" Summer says. "I agree, but one small problem I don't remeber this place being a snowy tundra". Lurnia is supposed to be nice and green not this. When I walk out I see a decently sized...... nevermind this is a huge wall. The wall was a few hundred miles away. Summer walks next to me "Thats Atlas the most advanced city known to man, to bad its full of snobs" I listen to her, but my never left the wall because when I looked slightly up ther was a floating city with chains holding it down. "Things have very much changed"

Soul of Cinder Pov

I been walking for fucking ever I've at least absorbed 200 souls from 200 undortunate souls so I can learn more of these lands, but no only thing I know of this abyss strucken place is that theres six continents Vale, Atlas, Vacuo, menagerie, then some unmarked place called land or some shit. What I need right now is a dude whos smart so I can take learn more because I have limited information. I continued walking to where I think civilization was and low and behold I see anothing, but sand still "I'm gonna kill my self oh my goddddd" right as I said that I see in the distance two giant moins of sand moving towards me. "Great more of these abyss creatures, wait do they respond to negitive emotions because every time I get slightly frustrated that all I'm finding is SAND, hmmmmm we learn shit everyday" after I say that aloud I realize that the abyss creatures are still coming at are really close. I grab the hilt of my sword and pull ot off my back and stood in a square off stance waiting for one to appear. When they were few hundred meters away  I realised these things are huge so I changed my stance and turn my sword into a sword spear and charge a heavy thrust attack with flame. When one jumped out of the sand It looked a giant worm that kinda reminds of Alderich except it has no human top half had all worm bottom half. It went for a downward attack trying to eat me. I relase the heavy attack and nearly cleave the worm in two verticaly. When lands behind me it just dissappears into dust. I turn around and see the other worm using its tail in swipe attack I block with my sword and grab it tail lighting its tail on fire it flails its taille wildly trying to put out the flame. While It swings a wilfly i turn my sword into a curved sword and charge a slash attack sending a spiral of flame burning the beast in two. Like the other it also dissappears. "Ok then, time to go walk through more desert yay" I continued walking through the desert hoping to fond a village or city so I can get more information.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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