Lincoln Stands Up For Ronnie Anne

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Bottom of the ninth, two outs, score tied at 6, not a single soul on base, near the end of the semester, Coach Pacowski had decided to treat his students by taking them outside and letting them play a game of baseball during gym class, Ronnie Anne was placed on a team with Lincoln, Clyde, Zach, Stella, Rusty, Girl Jordan, Papa Wheelie and Joy, on the opposing team was Mollie, Liam, Flat Tire, Cristina, Richie, Lance, Penelope and, Chandler, the last of whom was constantly assaulting the opposing team with jeers and trash talk, Ronnie Anne was undoubtedly their MVP, scoring three of their six runs and striking out countless batters, the few times she did strike out or drop a catch, it was because Chandler had successfully psyched her out with his taunts, despite his best efforts, though, she managed to tie things up for her team, and now it was her chance to take the win, she was up to bat, and Liam, who had a surprisingly good arm, as she found out during that game, was pitching 

Liam with a sneer: You ready, lil' lady 

Ronnie Anne: Bring it, hillbilly 

She steeled herself and giving her bat a twirl, without another word, Liam reared back and launched the ball towards home plate, she gritted her teeth, swung the bat as hard as she could, and missed 

Pacowski: Strike one 

Ronnie Anne thinking: : Dang it, gotta keep my eye on the ball 

Pacowski returned the ball to Liam, who wound up for a second pitch, this time, Ronnie Anne made a concentrated effort to focus on the ball, sensing that it was a hair out of her strike zone, she stood still and let it fall into Pacowski's glove 

Pacowski: Strike two 

Ronnie Anne: What 

She twisted her body backwards, glowering at the coach 

Ronnie Anne: Are you kidding me, that was a ball 

Pacowski shook his head: That's not what I saw, you've got one more chance 

Ronnie Anne growled, twisted herself back towards the mound and gripped the bat tight 

Ronnie Anne thinking: No more messing around, you've got one more chance, it's now or never 

Liam, satisfied with his success thus far, did a sassy little shoulder shimmy before winding up for the final pitch, while he was dawdling, Ronnie Anne glanced back towards the bench, and saw Lincoln giving her the biggest smile he could, a smile that oozed with confidence and pride, on instinct, she smiled back and gave him a shy little wave, although the moment didn't last long before she had to force her head back into the game 

Ronnie Anne thinking: Okay, that's enough, can't let him distract you, stay on task 

She snapped her head forward and her eyes locked onto the ball, refusing to let it pass out of sight, the time for fishing for balls had passed, and she resolved to put every ounce of her energy into her next swing, Liam reared back, chucked the ball forward as hard as he could, and, the sound of her bat colliding with the ball was so piercing and sharp that several of her teammates flinched, right after the impact, her eyes snapped open and darted around the field, looking for any sign of the wayward ball, but it was nowhere to be seen, it was, as they say, out of the park 

Pacowski: HOME RUN 

Ronnie Anne, shocked by her own power and precision, stood there on home plate with her mouth gaping open for a spell, once the shock wore off, she threw the bat to the side, pumped her fist in the air and started sprinting full-tilt around the bases, but this turned out to be a mistake, had Ronnie Anne paced herself, she might have noticed the third baseman sticking his leg out in front of her, instead, her entire core was shaken when the obstacle collided with her shin, and her momentum sent her careening across the ground, a sickening squish was heard as her body sank into the moist, muddy surface, once she came to a full stop, she cringed at the sensation of the mud clinging to her gym clothes and seeping into every opening 

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