Chapter 4: The Descent

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Days turned into weeks, and the situation at the research facility grew increasingly dire. The number of infected continued to rise, and the chaos within the quarantine area was unrelenting. The world outside was descending into anarchy as reports of violent outbreaks and mass panic flooded in.

Inside the secure facility, Emily and Michael had made some progress in understanding the virus. They had discovered that it attacked the brain's neural pathways, causing a breakdown in cognitive functions and unleashing primal instincts. But finding a cure remained elusive, and time was running out.

One evening, as they were huddled in the makeshift laboratory, a tremor shook the building. Alarms blared, and emergency lights flickered to life.

"What was that?" Emily asked, her heart pounding.

Michael rushed to a nearby window and looked outside. "It's chaos out there. Riots, fires... something big must have happened."

Emily's mind raced with possibilities. Had the virus somehow spread beyond the facility's walls? Were the infected now roaming the streets of Geneva?

They quickly gathered their research materials and suited up in their protective gear. It was a grim realization that they might need to leave the facility in search of safety and answers.

As they made their way through the dimly lit corridors, they encountered desperate survivors who had taken refuge within the facility's walls. Fear and uncertainty were etched on their faces, and Emily could see the toll that the unfolding disaster had taken on their spirits.

One of the survivors, a middle-aged man named David, approached them. "You're the scientists, right?" he asked, his voice trembling. "You have to find a way to stop this. It's spreading like wildfire out there."

Emily nodded, her determination unwavering. "We're doing everything we can. But we need to get to the bottom of this, and we need to find a way to contain the infected."

As they reached the facility's exit, they were met with a scene of utter chaos. Smoke billowed in the distance, and the distant sound of sirens and screams filled the air. The world they had known had crumbled in the blink of an eye.

Emily, Michael, and a small group of survivors ventured out into the streets of Geneva, armed with a sense of purpose and the knowledge that they were humanity's last hope. They would have to navigate a city in turmoil, confront the unknown, and confront their own fears if they were to unravel the mystery of the Rage-infected and find a way to save what remained of civilization.

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