Too Deep

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I thought of this in math class
part two of "Let Me Help You"

Everyone was out at lunch Cara, Naomi, Connor, Nat, Jamie, Ravi, and of course, Pip. It was Cara's treat to all of them for "just becuase!"

Pip was barely touching her food.

"You okay Pip?" Cara asked noticing her barley eating.

"Yup, i'm fine i'm just going to go to the bathroom." Pip responded to her standing up and grabbing her phone.

Ravi looked at her with narrowed eyebrows, "Pip."

"I'm fine Ravi don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, just gotta pee."

"Okay sarge."

Nat looked at Ravi and whisperd, "She isn't okay is she?"

Ravi shook his head and looked down.

Nat and Pip were connected in some way. After she told Ravi about her self-harm she told Nat too one night when they we're both having a rough night.

"How do i stop her?" Ravi whispered back hoping no one else in the group could hear.

"You can't, i know it sucks Ravi, but there isn't anything we can do."

Pip came back from the bathroom eyes wet but disguised as just splashing her face with water. She slid back into her seat next to Cara - Ravi across from her.

Ravi stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the restaurant but still gently becuase that's just how it was with him always gentle.

"Ravi let go!" Pip said

"Pip i need to talk to you come on please."

"Ugh fine. We'll be back in a minute guys."

Ravi took Pip outside and sat down with her against a wall.

"Pip, how bad was it?"

"I don't want you to be mad Ravi."

"I'd never be mad, wrist or thighs?"

Pip looked down and started crying. Ravi started rubbing small circles on her back.

"B- both." Pip said with out looking up.

"Oh geez Sarge. Okay come on I have stuff to clean it in my car. We will just do your wrists right now. Unless you need to do your thighs?"

"Can we not clean it? It's bad."

"Pip then we have to clean it. Come on." He opens the back door for her let's her get in then climbs in as well. He opens the middle consul to grab the hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads, and bandaids.

"Okay Pip do you want me to do it or you?"

"You're gonna be mad Ravi."

"I'm not Pip. Now come on roll up your sleeves."

"Fine, just please don't be mad."

Pip rolls up her sleeves and Ravi sees how many there are. But one specific one catches his eye.

"Pip that one is way to deep. Bone is almost showing."

"I knew you'd be mad"

"I'm not mad at all. I'm not disappointed either. I'm just worried."

"Well there is nothing to be worried about."

"Pip yes there is."

Ravi started clean the cuts


"Breath Sarge it's gonna be okay."

When Ravi was all done Pip had managed to stop crying

"Thank you Ravi."

"Anytime Sarge. You ready to go back inside?"

"Yeah i think so."

while pip and ravi were in the car this is what the group was talking about

"What do you think there doing out there?" Cara asks.

"He said he needed to talk so they are deffo breaking up." Connor said with slight sadness to his voice.

"No they aren't" Nat said becuase she knew what he was talking about with her.

"Car s3x?" Cara said with a laugh.

"Ew Cara!" Naomi said with a giggle.

"I mean at the begeinging of lunch they couldn't keep their hands off eachother." Cara said with a smirk.

"Enough Cars." Naomi said.

Pip and Ravi walk back inside there fingers intertwined.

"I love you" Ravi says.

"I love you too"

They both sit down at the table in there seats from before

"What we're you guys doing out there?" Cara asks Pip with a smirk.

Pip panics and it's quite ovbious. Ravi puts his hand on her leg from under the table to calm her down a bit. Pip being Pip it works but just a little.

"It's nothing Cara." Pip saying looking down.

"Cara i think you were right." Connor says nudging her with his arm."

"What?" Pip and Ravi say at the same time,

"Connor! It's so ovbious that that is not what happend!" Cara hisses.

"Geez sorry."

"Cara, talk." Ravi says becuase Pip is shaking now.

"Okay so uhm when you left i was wondering what you were doing out there and as a joke I said car s3x uhm sorry? I love you Pips."

Pip stopped shaking and even laughed. Ravi smiled and let out a slight laugh.

agggtm one shots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt