Chapter Twelve

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Waking up to Minho wasn't exactly new to Jisung, but this time was a little different. He was laying on his side, buried in a cocoon of pillows, with a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. He could feel Minho's head resting on top of his.

I was kind of joking when I said he was warm, but he really is warm.

Jisung relaxed into the bed, reluctant and unwilling to move just yet. Maybe it was too early for his brain to process everything correctly, but he really didn't care that they were in this rather compromising position. He was cozy and safe here.

Just as he was drifting off again, Minho shifted behind him, waking up slowly. He knew the don was awake when his arms abruptly retreated from Jisung's body, leaving him cold.

"This whole bed and I'm smothering him? Come on, Minho," Minho muttered to himself, shifting away.

Jisung let out an annoyed groan. "Hey, now it's cold."

"You're awake. Oh shit, I'm sorry, Jisung, I shouldn't have-"

"Moved," Jisung filled in. "You shouldn't have moved." He rolled over so he was facing Minho, who was blushing furiously. Damn, why does he have to be so good looking? Especially right after waking up. "At least drop the blankets back down."

Minho dropped said blankets like they were lit on fire. Jisung laughed, his voice scratchy with sleepiness.

Minho was practically on the other side of the massive bed now. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to invade your space like that."

"What happened to the confident flirt from last night?" Jisung teased, pushing his black hair out of his face as his gaze moved up to land on Minho's face.

"I'm more respectful than flirty."

"What if I'm really offended that you just moved away from me like I burned you?"

Minho's ears were red, his head turned away completely. "I'd rather you be offended than have you be violated. And... I don't think it's a good idea for me to be close to you right now."

Jisung's brow furrowed in slight confusion. "Why?"

"It's too tempting." Before Jisung could respond, Minho was on his feet and leaving the room.

It took a minute, but Jisung's mind caught up on what just happened, and his face warmed significantly. Oh. His heart suddenly felt odd, and he rubbed his chest in an attempt to ease the feeling. Why do I feel like smiling so much?


"Which room do you want?"

Jisung paced up and down the hall again, glancing into each room for the fourth time. They'd just finished eating breakfast, and Minho was waiting for him to decide on a room to use as his own. After the somewhat awkward morning, it was decided that it was best for them to have separate rooms. Not that they would have shared a room in the first place anyway.

"I think I'll take the far one. It's got the best view."

Minho's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure? You've changed your mind a few times already."

Jisung was tempted to mess with him some more, but his head was feeling light, and he was low on energy. "Yes, I'm sure." He walked into the bedroom first to prove his point. He threw the drapes open and frowned at the fact the sun was beginning to peak through the clouds that shaded the sky all morning.

Minho dropped the sheets onto the bed. "I can put these on myself, you don't have to help."

Jisung shook his head, joining Minho at the bed. "Remember what I said, I want to help anywhere I can. Besides, I'm sure you'll lose your mind trying to put a fitted sheet on this huge bed."

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