Chapter 1: A weird vision

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L0cal woke up. Like any normal day in the backroom with all the unnerving and safe level of this hell of a place. They didn't want to wake up or exist. They got up and put their mask on and to start off the day.

L0cal: Lost? You there?

No answer. They thought he just left for school or is with TGM. They left the house for the meeting with the partygoers. Wait. A MEETING?

L0cal: FUCK! I forgot about the stupid meeting.

Lily: You alright?

L0cal: Yes just the stupid meeting with the partygoers

Lily: Ah gotcha. Anyways Lost is with TGM so don't worry and goodluck. You know how stubborn they are.

L0cal nodded then left

She got to the meeting a few minutes later there were already some partypoopers there along side with some partygoers. They discuss over how to keep everyone stable and in balance. L0cal was listening but zoned out a few minutes later...

She walked around this "dream" tho she questioned why they were in lv. 52. As they walked they came across a classroom with a working light switch. They went inside the mysterious classroom and found a board.

L0cal: "The war is over" Tf does that mean? Whatever it's just a dream... Right?

L0cal: but this feels so real.. Could this be a... Vision of some sort? If so when was this? The past? No it never looked like this I even went here yesterday. So this must be the future.. I'm guessing

As they kept walking they seem to notice more blood as they walked deeper. What this so called vision mean? A debate? The wanderers dying? Or other entities no-cliping here and died? Or.. A war?
No the last one couldn't and wouldn't be true... right?

If this was true who won? The partygoers or the party poopers? At this point they were worried. Who wouldn't? This could be a war and God knows who won this bloody of a war.

As L0cal kept walking they started to see bodies up ahead. As they got closer to see what it was, someone was shaking them to wake up.

Julie: Hey L0cal wake up meeting's over

L0cal: Huh? Oh sorry zoned out

Julie: That's alright we just talked the usual y'know but Daniel's voice felt slightly off don't know if it's just me or someone else heard it

L0cal: Well he looked unprepared maybe he was worried?

Julie: Possibly, anyways cya soon!

L0cal: Later.

Both left the building. L0cal was still worried tho. They were so close to find out what the bodies were but Julie sent her back to reality. They went to TGM to pick up Lost. A few minutes later she found him and took him to L0cal. As both of them walked home L0cal felt something off like something would happen to his child.

Meanwhile Lost was also worried but for his father. He had never seen them this worried before but he couldn't help but to shrug it off the feeling.

Both arrived home. Lost went to his room and L0cal went to theirs.

L0cal was still wondering who or what the bodies were but it felt strangely familiar tho they couldn't put their finger on it. Well no time to think it was already 8:35 pm. Lost would've been asleep and Lily already left the house.

It just just L0cal left awake. They wondered if they'll get the vision again but fell asleep right after.

Unfortunately that would be their only chance of getting their answer.

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