Chapter Seventy

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Dear Diary:

Tony's funeral was nice. Small, intimate. It was held at his and Pepper's house, just a couple days after the battle. Pepper sent off a wreath with an arc reactor in it. Tony had shown it to me once, told me about how it was the first one he made in a cave, and how Pepper gave it back to him to "prove he had a heart."

She was right.

In the time before the funeral, I was forced to go to the hospital and get my side checked out. They took out the spear piece and did enough to put my side back together. My super-healing took over after that.

King T'Challa and Princess Shuri surprised me with a new arm during my stay. Said it should be good enough to not need fixing. After Shuri got it attached and ensured it was in working order, I asked if I could keep the old one.

Shuri put it in the case that held my new one and left it for me. They didn't need to question my motives, for they already knew them.

Sam had to help me walk and keep me upright at the funeral. It hurt to put too much pressure on my right side, where I'd been speared. At least it was nice to have some people back.

But now... I don't think I want to be an Avenger anymore. Sure I have some of my friends back, but who's to say I won't lose them down the line? And not to old age, but to a brutal battle? Or sacrificing themselves for the world, a world that never fully appreciated them.

I don't know how to tell the others my thoughts. I don't want to be judged. I know they would try to understand, but could they? None of them are giving up. Maybe I just don't deserve this life.

For now, I've got my measly belongs- the couple things I had at the Stark residence and the few things that survived the explosion- and I'm heading to Connecticut.

Pepper told me about it, a house that Tony had gotten for me. For when I decided I could have a similar life to his. The gesture made me sob all over again. At least I had something to remember him by. More than just the memories I have (for now).

I chose not to stay for the return of the stones. I didn't need to be there for that.

My flight leaves soon, so it's now or never in telling them my choice.

I sighed and closed the journal. Well, diary now. I gently placed it in my carry-on bag that was sitting on top of my waiting suitcase. Apparently, there was more at the house for me, but Pepper said a lot of it was a surprise.

Thinking about it made me smile, but it quickly turned bittersweet when I remembered how I got to this point.

I walked out of the bedroom- a guest room I had been so graciously invited to stay in while I recovered. I know Pepper meant more than just physically, but my side had been perfectly healed for a couple days now.

The only way I could mentally heal was to get away.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay for a bit longer? Morgan loves having her Aunt Rey here..." Pepper tried as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

I gave her a small smile, and nodded once. "I'm sure. If I don't go now, I'll never want to... this is what I need to do to heal. This isn't goodbye, though, I'm sure I'll come around every now and then."

Pepper smiled, then pulled me into a hug. "Good luck, Rey. You'll always have us if you need us, okay?" she whispered in the hug.

I shut my eyes to keep the tears at bay. "Of course. Thank you, Pepper... for everything," I whispered back.

When I pulled away from her, Morgan came hopping into the room. "Aunt Rey! Are you leaving?" she asked, luckily already knowing this day was coming.

"Yep," I answered as I crouched down to her level. Morgan barreled into my waiting arms, and I squeezed her tight. "But just like I told your mom, I'll be back before you know it! You can never escape me!"

I started ticking her sides with an evil laugh, and Morgan screeched in delight before finally wiggling out of my grasp.

Now, for the others.

Not everyone was here. Clint, for example, needed to be home with his family. That made perfect sense. The Guardians, Thor, and Carol all went back to space in an effort to help with the adjustments others planets would need.

I didn't know where Wanda ended up. I just knew she left after the funeral.

Outside, Sam, Bruce-Hulk, Barnes, and Steve were getting ready to send the stones back. I walked up to them with my bags in hand.

Sam saw me first and smiled, but then frowned at my bags. "You going somewhere?" he asked.

I sighed and gave him a sad smile. "Away. This isn't for me anymore. T... uh, Pepper said I was left a house in Connecticut, so that's where I'm heading. I'll send you the address when I get there, just in case you wanna visit sometime."

The frown didn't go away. "So that's it? You're just... leaving?" he asked. He wasn't angry, though. Just sad.

"I have to, Sam," I sighed. "I can't stay here and hold myself on to their memories, I'll destroy myself. Plus, this is the normal life I've begged for. I'm taking it while I still can."

Sam finally smiled again, but it was much sadder this time. He pulled me into a hug. "Take care of yourself, Rey. If not for yourself, then at least for me?"

I matched his smile. "I'll try. Really."

Then, I walked over to Bruce-Hulk. "How's the arm?" I asked. It was up in a sling now, trying to heal.

He shrugged. "It'll get there," he responded, but then he turned more somber. "Promise you'll stop by some time?"

I smiled. "Absolutely. You should try to come by, too. Just... be careful in my doorways," I joked.

Bruce-Hulk smiled again, and he kneeled down and carefully pulled me into a hug. "I'll miss you, Rey."

"Right back at you."

When we pulled away, I looked over to Barnes and Steve. I wasn't close enough with either for a hug and sentimental words, but I still needed a good parting with them both. So, I walked over with my hands shoved in my pockets.

"Get those stones back safe, yeah? Can't have shit getting screwed up over here," I joked as I got close enough.

Steve offered a smile. "Take care, Rey. You deserve this."

There was a look in his eye, something that told me he had his own plans, ones that differed from the group plan. But his smile told me it was okay, and that he deserved this, too.

I looked to Barnes. "Don't annoy Sam too much, okay?" I said. He smiled and nodded. "And good luck in life."

"You do the same," he responded, his smile not fading.

Satisfied, I turned back to where Sam was standing, my bags having been left there. "I promise I'm not going to disappear, okay? You'll be able to find me, you'll also just have a hell of a time convincing me to get back out there."

He smiled. "I've got my ways." We hugged one last time and then I was off to the airport.

Off to my new life.

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