💌⏰ Ferris wheel

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(watch out for your kneecaps guys)

(why does this one feel so much more detailed than the others help)

Bored and sitting on his bed after finishing practice, Tsukasa looks out of his bedroom window, noticing the beautiful city view in the sunset. In the distance, he notices the silhouette of one of the Ferris wheels at PXL. He smiles softly to himself at the sight, before pondering whether he should go visit the wheel. Why not? Although, it might be a bit more pleasant with someone there to accompany him...

He turns to face the portrait next to his bedside table. It's an image of him and his best friend, Rui. Tsukasa has his arm wrapped around Rui's shoulders as he strikes one of his signature cool poses, a confident grin stretching across his face. Meanwhile, Rui simply makes a peace sign while smiling bashfully towards the camera as he blushes lightly - as if he wasn't expecting for Tsukasa to suddenly wrap his arm around him and hold him rather close. Of course, Tsukasa's only intention was to make sure he fit in the photo, but... 

"... Heh." Tsukasa chuckles softly at the wholesomely adorable photo of the two of them. Then, it hits him: he should invite Rui to visit the Ferris wheel with him! And perhaps... Just maybe... Even confess to him?

Picking up his phone, Tsukasa dials Rui's number.

"Hey, Rui! If you happen to be free on this fine evening, would you perhaps... Like to come along with me and visit the Ferris wheel...?"

"Ah, Tsukasa-kun! I would love that, hehe. Although, I must ask... Why the sudden invitation? It's almost like you're asking me on a date..." Rui teases. He isn't actually aware that his words couldn't have been closer to the truth.

"H-hush. I'll come over to your house and pick you up once I'm ready."

"Alright! See you soon, Tsukasa-kun!"

Tsukasa hangs up, his heart beating rather quickly at the thought of what Rui said. He was just joking, but... Tsukasa was certainly a little too close for comfort to accidentally revealing his true feelings a bit too early. 

"Gosh... That was close." He breathes out a heavy sigh, relieved that he didn't accidentally say anything he wasn't meant to. Tsukasa then goes over to the bathroom to check his reflection, and quickly fixes up his hair to his liking before he sets off towards Rui's house.


Tsukasa knocks at Rui's door, and takes a deep breath. Tonight could have the potential to change his life forever... Either for the better or for worse. Or perhaps, it might not change much at all and he continues to be close friends with Rui. Who knows...

Rui opens the door, dressed rather nicely considering he doesn't have too much fashion sense. He even has his hair tied up into a very tiny ponytail. "Gah... Why has he got to be so... So...?!" Tsukasa thinks to himself, his heart skipping a beat.


"Hey, Tsukasa-kun. Are you ready to go?" Rui smiles excitedly towards Tsukasa, extending his hand out to him. He seems to sense something's up, but decides to stay quiet for now. If Tsukasa is really upset, then he would probably have told him by now considering there's nobody else around.

"... Yeah, I'm ready." His own hand shaking slowly, Tsukasa takes hold of Rui's hand, gently squeezing it for comfort. He smiles shakily back at Rui. The two exchange a sweet glance. Anyone from afar could've easily mistaken the two for a couple...


The best friends reach PXL after about 20 minutes after a slow, relatively calm walk. The pair are still holding hands as if they were a couple, and they exchange another few of those sweet and fond glances on the way. They've exchanged such glances before, but... Something was different about tonight. There was some sort of... Romantic feeling in the air. And not just for Tsukasa anymore, either. Rui felt it too... His heart would start to beat a little faster just like Tsukasa's, and he gripped a little tighter onto his hand for comfort too, just like he had done.

Rui and Tsukasa soon board the Ferris wheel. They manage to earn themselves a cabin with just the two of them - perfect for Tsukasa's planned confession...

They sit side-by-side, neither letting go of the other's hand. Neither of them could bring themselves to pull away, or ignore this strange, warm feeling in their chest. Both of them were in love. And they knew that. They just didn't know that their feelings were reciprocated... Yet.

"... Hey, Rui. I need to tell you something." Tsukasa can't help but keep his gaze on the floor of the cabin, unable to look Rui in the eye. He nervously shuffles closer to him, holding even tighter to his warm and comforting hand.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Tsukasa-kun? I've noticed you being much less confident than usual today... Are you alright?" Rui's expression was rather worried. He didn't want his dear Tsukasa to suffer... He looks at him with a concerned smile.

"Y-you see, I..." Tsukasa takes a deep, shaky breath. "You mean a lot to me, Rui. As in... You mean the world to me. I... I feel warm and happy when you're around, and... What I mean to say is... I love you, Rui..." Tsukasa's voice is surprisingly soft and quiet, contrary to his usual loud and confident tone in his voice. He leans his head against Rui's shoulder, his hand trembling.

Rui gasps softly, and a tear of joy rolls down his cheek as he smiles lovingly towards the nervous boy leaning against his shoulder. He gently squeezes Tsukasa's hand, hoping to comfort him.

"Ts-Tsukasa-kun, I-I... I love you too..." Rui slips his arms around Tsukasa, hugging him gently yet closely. He sniffles slightly, a large, beaming grin spreading across his face.

"...!" Tsukasa gasps as well now at this, and hugs Rui close in return, burying his face in his shoulder. "R-Rui..." Tsukasa sniffles too, as he feels a little emotional. His feelings are actually reciprocated...


The now couple spend the next few moments of the Ferris wheel ride hugging each other close, looking out of the window at the beautiful view.

"... Wow..." Tsukasa mutters as he adjusts himself to sit on Rui's lap, still resting his head against his shoulder "... What a spectacular sight..."

Rui chuckles quietly as he looks down at his beloved partner, and caresses the top of his head before resting his cheek against Tsukasa's fluffy blond hair. They both sigh as they admire the absolutely fantastic view together.

(1091 words, not including this bit)

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