Dr. Frost

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The important thing is to do what needs to be done. So don't worry too much about what people say. Since no matter what you say, there won't be many people who'll be able to understand. - Nambong Baek 

All pain is the foundation for growth, but if all the pain is the same type, that's when you need a psychologist. - Professor Chun

People living in despair are like someone in a long tunnel. Just as they see the exit at the end as the only escape route. When a person believes that suicide is the only solution, they attempt self-inflicted harm and suicide in order to recover their lost control. But in spite of what they think, the path that they are on, the path we are on is not a tunnel. 

Everyone has problems. But our problems don't define who we are. - Doctor Fater

Just because I'm a psychologist... doesn't mean I understand myself. If anything, you could say I'm a psychologist because I want to understand. - Nambong Baek

You can't let those memories take control of your life. But at the same time, you can't forget about them. - Nambong Baek 

If you can't overcome something... you start to become it. - Nambong Baek 

It's okay to run away when you're scared. Avoid it, hide and run. It's okay to be weak. You don't have to be strong. Because that's part of being human. But someday if you want to go back... if you find a reason to return... don't forget... that you can only do so by your own will. - Professor Chun 

True hatred stems from a person's fear. But most people are unable to identify the cause of their self-hatred. - Seonghyun Moon

Just because you're old doesn't mean that you're an adult. - Old Navy guy

Hating someone was easier than thinking about the problem. But the professor told me, "Always keep thinking. It's not the easier path, but it's definitely the right one to pursue." - Manny 

Everyone is born with some limitations. But not every flaw needs to be fixed because it may also define someone's character. The thing that truly matters is not the type of problems you have. Every moment you've passed with every person you've met, those are the things that raised you. That's what defines who you are. So, believe in yourself... and continue confronting your shadows.- Sangwon Chun

A good decision is always a self-made one, even if the results aren't favorable in the end. - Nambong Baek

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