"It's not like she's in the DAR with Mom."

"You know how they are, thick as thieves since Christopher introduced them." Grandpa smiles, moving to my side, "Now let's use the phone in my office to call them, shall we?" 

He offers his arm, which I take without a second thought, "We shall."

The call goes well, they are set to get here at 6:30 pm, just in time for Grandma and I to recap party plans to Mom. I go find the woman I call my grandmother after saying goodbye to my parents. She is once again in the sitting room, this time without her nose in the book and instead looking at fabrics and menus. 

"Ready to plan the best sweet sixteen in Hartford?"

She smiles, patting the spot on the couch for me to sit. "Of course, I have lots of options."

"Before we get into the full planning, I need to tell you something."

Her attention fully switches to me, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, better than alright. I met Rory," I take a quick breath before continuing, "and I think we're going to be great friends. She still doesn't know, which I'm assuming you're aware of."

"Oh Alice, that's wonderful." She says, beaming at the information. 

"I'm worried though, Grandma. There's no way she isn't going to know we're twins at this party. She's going to be so angry that I lied to her."

Grandma takes both my hands making me snap my gaze up to look at her, "Alice Hayden, you did not lie to her. Rory will understand. Lorelai is the one who lied and I am so sorry she put you in this position. It is entirely unfair to you. Do you understand me? This is not your fault."

I nod, letting go of her hands to pull her into a hug. I will never be thankful enough to have her and Grandpa in my life.

"Now, let's get to planning this party. We have to show your mother some progress when she arrives." 


Dinner goes beautifully, and Grandma and Mom talk about upcoming plans the DAR has. A couple of looks thrown my way give me a warning that there may be a debutant ball in my near future. And a warning for me is a warning that I have an incredible amount of baking to do to persuade my dear best friend into being my escort, again. 

Dad and Grandpa talk about their respective jobs and make golf plans next weekend. Although Dad is atrocious, Grandpa likes him too much to care about his unfortunate lack of skill. 

Glancing around the table, I'm grateful for those I have in my life who love and care for me. But there's that feeling that I'm missing something, and it's someone. I just wish Rory were here to enjoy these moments the way that I do.

A question in the dinner conversation breaks me out of my upsetting thoughts. 

"Liza, you're still planning to attend the birthday party we're hosting here. Right?" Grandma asks, they were discussing the guest list for the adults before this. 

Silence falls over the table and the idea of what repercussions could happen if she joins us. 

"Oh," Mom speaks, setting her water down and glancing over to Dad, "I wasn't sure if that was the best idea with Lorelai being there for Rory."

"Mom, you have to be there," I speak up, drawing all eyes to myself, "for me? I don't want to celebrate without you."

Grandpa and Dad stopped their conversation when Grandma posed the question, the former now addressing Mom, "Liza, she can cope with you being there. Honestly, it's about time she learned how well Christopher and Alice are doing, especially because they have you. Your daughter is celebrating her birthday, and you deserve to be there for her as much as Lorelai does for Rory."

"You're entirely right, Richard." Dad responds, "I'll make plans to see them both in Stars Hollow. I don't want Rory to find out about even more on their birthday. Plus, this keeps Lorelai from reacting badly at the twins' birthday." 

Mom and I glance at each other and then make quick eye contact with Grandma. None of us find this as good an idea as the two men sitting at the head of the table. 

A.N. // Things have been intense. Also, I'm moving around the plot a bit regarding the visit Christopher makes to Stars Hollow. It's not going to be nearly as awkward and "deadbeat dad" as the show made it seem. We have a great supportive dad in this book. 

Bad Lorelai reaction coming to theatres near you. lol. 

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