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TW : a bit of violence, threatening

My mind had been a mess lately. I couldn't focus on anything. Normally, I wouldn't care or feel anything if I'm alone, but then I suddenly felt lonely, which was weird to me.

Jongho made me feel something new that I've never experienced before. It felt like... I wanted to spend my time with him until I got satisfied. I get so happier whenever I'm with him, and being with him makes me feel safe. What's this feeling though?

But the fact that he made me feel like this when he was literally the one I hated the most confused me.

Is this possible?

I snapped out of my daydream as I saw Nari starting to approach me. Fucking hell. I quickly turned around and pretended like I didn't see her. "Y/n!" Her voice called me out, but I ignored it and walked away faster until someone's hand pushed me against the wall.

"My friend literally called you and I know you saw her" The guy who pushed me said, I gulped nervously and didn't dare to look at him in the eyes. The place where I was standing was pretty quiet as well; no students really come here except those who skipped often. "Don't you dare ignore her" He threatened.

Someone please save me.

Nari came closer and wrapped her arm around my shoulder "I miss you so much, Y/n, and.. you know it's bad when you ignore someone, especially the seniors, right?" She slightly tilted her head to look at me "And also, you should make eye contact with us too. That's the rule"

Fuck that rule. Who cares?"

I glared at her with emotionless face which made her smile dropped immediately. "What with that face, babe? Don't you like me?" She pouted. "Isn't it already obvious that I don't?" I spit in annoyance.

Nari gasped and pulled her arm back "Yah. Watch your mouth. Look who's your senior here", I got more nervous when I could feel all the eyes on me as I pinched my palms with my nails "You should look at yourself first. Do you guys even realize how much you make me feel uncomfortable? It's ridiculous"

One of her friends lifted his fist up at me in anger "Aish! You—"


Cold voice appeared as the owner of that voice was standing behind them.

"Seonghwa?", That name made me have my hopes up as Seonghwa pulled one of these people out of the way, "Leave her alone. Stop acting like you guys can do anything just because you're her senior"

Nari gritted her teeth before saying something "But—"

"You're already old enough to understand my words, Nari" He shot his words at her. His sharp eyes made it look colder but also cool "You wanted her to learn her place while you guys can't even fucking afford it for yourself. It's actually ridiculous, just like she said"

Seonghwa then pushed someone out of his way and handed me his hand, signaling for me to go with him "Let's get out of here, Y/n", I felt more relieved as I quickly walked toward him without holding his hand, of course. I could sense all the glares on me, which made me feel uncomfortable. When Seonghwa checked up on my face, he immediately looked back at the group again "Quit glaring at her like an immature bitch. You guys have no reason to glare at the poor girl like that"

He looked back at me with a kind smile "Let's go" He whispered. Not gonna lie, he could be my mom or dad. He's like a protective parent.

When we walked pretty far away from that place, Yunho suddenly ran towards us out of nowhere, which made me flinch. "Did you record it?" Seonghwa asked. Yunho nodded and thumbed up "I got the whole scene"

"Nice" Seonghwa then looked at me "Before we saw you, we were walking around the building to check if there were any students smoking. Then we spotted Nari's group crowding you from far away; therefore I told Yunho to hide somewhere and record it so he could send it to the principal"

Yunho looked at me "You're okay, right?", I nodded as a response. "Nari is in the same class as us, and we both know how bad she is. She always skips class, smokes in school, and cheats on exams" Yunho added.

My mouth became O shape when I heard what she did. She's worse than me but yet people like her because she has a two-faced personality. Am I right?


Jongho's voice popped up, making me turn my head at him immediately, his face was confused as he switched his gazes from Yunho and Seonghwa to me "What are you guys doing?"

"We aren't trying to steal your girl so don't worry that much" Seonghwa teased. Jongho's lack of face caused him to look away in nervousness. I guess he's scared of him, even though Jongho is literally younger. Yunho placed his hand on his brother's shoulder "Yeah, don't worry. You can take her from us now"

Seonghwa then tilted himself down to my height "Don't you feel like your friend likes to act like a child who gets possessive whenever their toys are with someone else?" He whispered. I giggled quietly as I agreed with him before glancing back at Jongho, but his eyes were already on me. Damn. Seonghwa is actually right.

"Well uh.. thank you by the way" I bowed and walked toward Jongho then gripped his upper arm to pull him away with me.

"What happened?" Jongho asked. Then I started to explain everything to him and could see how upset he got. "Yah, don't go somewhere alone"

I smirked, tend to joke around even this is a serious topic "Are you worried, hm?", he shot his cold eyes at me "Do you even need an answer for that?", I rolled my eyes at his words as it slightly ruined my mood.

"And did they do anything to you? I swear if they did, I will—"

"No, I'm perfectly fine. Seonghwa helped me just in time"

He sighed and looked at me again to make sure if I'm actually alright. "Yah, I said I'm fine" I nudged his arm. He pouted slightly and took my hand "Just want to make sure"

I couldn't help but smile at his behavior. Yeah, he really does look like a child who gets protective over their toys and will clean them 24/7, just for a case. "It's kinda funny though" I paused and looked at him "That.. you always find me in the school whenever we're not together"

"Did you put a tracker on me or something? You actually seem to be dying with living without me" I laughed.

He turned his head away but his ears were literally betraying him as they turned redder "It's just a coincident"

I smirked and nodded sarcastically "Sure thing. Whatever you said, Mr. Choi"

"Now shut up before I cancel my plan that I'll buy you an ice-cream" He looked at me with slight frustration "You don't want to lose a chance to eat a free ice-cream, do you?"

I flashed a sharp glare at him for a second but still nodded in defeat after all.

"That's what I thought"

"That's what I thought"

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1230 words

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