Throwing the dice in the air he announced the commencement of the game. Ralph went first. There was no rule of a six to be displayed to move forward. He smoothly started off with a two. Aiden clapped.

“Not bad! A good start. A step at a time to chase victory.” His words triggered you. Spinning the dice. Seeing a five made you super happy. Asking Namjoon to move forward. It was indeed weird for a mafia to be held captive on a snake and ladders board. A sudden thought striked your brain, noticing snakes a few steps ahead.

“What if I were to be bitten by a snake and he steps down.” A monitor was displayed showing a man being plunged with a spear. “What the fuck is this?” Traumatized at the scene you scream not believing your eyes.

“Relax this is what goes on when I play chess and the person fails to protect himself. It's gonna be easier for you though. If by any chance you fail to step up and get bit up by a snake we'll wound him partially. Perhaps slit a cut on his hand or his elbow wherever the opponent desires.” Raising his thumb at his younger brother Aiden asserts enthusiastically.

“These bloody brothers. No matter what the situation is, they never fail to have each otherRalph's next move proved him lucky with a six then another four followed by it. Picking on your nails you tried getting as many least numbers as possible. Snakes were completely packed on the board.

“What if Ralph fails to advance and the snake gets hold of him! Won't he be punished?” Ralph tried retorting but Aiden shut him up.

“Rules are the same for everyone. He'll be smothered too.” That statement came out crueler than expected. “Well if that's the case how about Namjoon punishing him. Only then shall it be equal.” His lips parted, thinking for a second before nodding his head. “Indeed that's a fair deal. It's your turn now.” Noticing Ralph's current position Aiden knew it wasn't long before Namjoon shall be severely injured. There was a 20+ step difference between both of you. Aiden was past 65 while you were still struggling at 41. Throwing the dice up in the air.

You stare at the number. Horror drowned your features seeing two. Namjoon walked ahead and gulped once he looked down. “Look what we have here. Namjoon you've been kissed by the snake go back to number 7.”

Ralph stops him bringing a dagger walking closer to him. “What's the hurry there though? Don't you wanna greet me? It's time for you to get punished! Plunging the dagger through his stomach vehemently he smiles innocently.” The latter's shirt drenched with blood, blood dripped down his pants flowing down the board. You tried running to help him. Only to be stopped by the guards.

“A game is a game Y/N you gotta obey the rules.” Namjoon fell on his knees clutching onto his stomach. “You're free to quit the game if you wish to.” Aiden reminds. Ralph played his move moving to 70. Shaking his head he denied his offer.

“Y/N is my master right now. If and only if she commands will I leave this game board. Come on, it's your chance to throw the dice now.” Standing up back on his feet he smiled at you.

“I'm a mafia Y/N a very big bad mafia. These little wounds aren't a big issue to me. You can do it.” Assuring you he stood on his grounds. A miraculous 6 made you dumbfounded. He grins moving ahead. “See I knew you could do it. You still got another chance to play.” Taking another four steps ahead he clutched onto the hem of his shirt. Suppressing his painful yell.

Ralph was sure he'd be the one touching the sweet taste of victory. While you were at the middle of the game board he was already at the end. “Another 3 and I shall win.”

Throwing the dice he beams proudly. Albeit the dreams of victory were crushed down underneath his very own shoes. Number 99 is a curse to any player who enjoys this game. One that leaves every person praying they don't get to step onto 99. His fate wasn't by his side.

“Holy Ladders! Damn falling back to number 2 must be quite miserable isn't it Ralph? I remember Aiden's words at the start of the game. A single step would lead you to victory you're back playing those single steps. Such a brave move from your end to prove your brother's words right.” Giggling, you make your next move. Both the brothers were confused.

“Oh! Right, the punishment! Totally forgot about it. Namjoon quick, take that katana placed on the top most right table towards your left. Have no mercy when you plunge it through his thigh.” A sickening sweet smile embraced your face. Leaving them petrified. Aiden wanted to stop you. However the ideology of justice held him from doing so. He had to follow the rules and watch his brother be hurt brutally by the hands of his enemy.

Namjoon's features spoke desperacy. Enveloping Ralph in his arms. “Hope you enjoy this my beloved enemy.” Moving closer he shoves the dagger into his right thigh. The older one screamed out of pain. Rolling on the floor not capable enough to tolerate the pain. “Such a weakling can't even tolerate such a mere wound? How did you become a mafia then?”

Those words pierced through Aiden's heart. No matter what the situation was, Ralph was his brother. He was done with the game. “Aiden don't you dare even think of doing something stupid. We shall end this game your way. Now come on Ralph play. You gotta play for the sake of your bipolar brother.” Inducing seeds of hatred you provoked the siblings. Ralph sat on his spot playing. He had managed to reach number 49 successfully when his gaze faltered.

“Getting a number 1 on the dice is difficult but never impossible.” With that said you throw the dice up in the air. Dancing in victory seeing the desired number. Namjoon moved ahead, sitting down, panting for air. Loss of blood had made him really weak. Aiden rushed to his brother helping him get up. Yelling for guards urging for help.

“Good job.” Staring into his eyes you say with an emotionless face. “All the credits go to you.” Winking playfully he whines out of pain. “Stop moving, the medics will be here soon.” A troop of bulked up men rushed inside the room with a few doctors by their side. Grabbing hold one of them you point at Namjoon. “He already has three to cure him. While this dude has none. You're in charge of him.”

Hesitation was visible on his features. “Aiden Namjoon needs help here. Do you mind letting this doctor help him?” Aiden was too busy and stressed to listen to any of the statements being said to him. “He's a special hostage Ralph has got. You don't want him to die and take the entire blame do you?” He gulped, shaking his head.

“Alright I'll help you with his first aid.” Namjoon was put on a stretcher before being taken away to an operating room along with Ralph. “Task 1 was a success. Task 2 to go. The real fun is about to begin!!”

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