Chapter 2

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Y/N gets woken up by a gentle shake. They slowly open their eyes and look up to see another TV creature.

When y/n sits down, they notice that this one was female. The TV woman looked at you in interest like many others did, and then she speaks up.
"gnol os ni namuh a nees t'nevah I...*
Y/N then understands that all TV heads speak the same way
"I'm sorry.. I don't understand-"
TV woman nods twice, then a ">w<" emote displays on her screen.
"I'm sorry ! I didn't realize you speak like the others!
Really nice to meet you, I've heard things here and there"
She puts her hand out to y/n as y/n shakes it while smiling. They were happy to see someone so friendly.
"Hmm, I dunno what they'll do with you..This place is anything but safe for humans for so many reasons.

"Wh-What were...those...toilet things..?"

"They're our enemies.
Our goal is to fight them, to get rid of them and make everything peaceful again.
They're monsters. But no need to worry ! We've got things in control ^^"

Just then, a loud explosion is heard outside to which y/n jolted back to.

"Ah! That's my cue to go! See ya!"

The TV woman dissappear into a black cloud thing. Y/N puts her hand through the black stuff in amazement.


Y/N looks around themselves, then looks down and tries to slowly get off the platform. When they touched the ground, they weren't stable despite leaning on the bed-like thing, so a random Cameraman noticed and went to them and put them back on the platform.

"Uh- Thanks, I guess-"

The Cameraman nods once and turned around to walk away but y/n called out to him.

"Wait- there anything to eat any chance...?"

The Cameraman thinks for a while then silently walks away.


Now that y/n had nothing to do, they realized how hungry they were. They haven't eaten in so long. They sigh and lay again, accepting fate.

Not too long after, a Cameraman comes with a tray that had a closed cup with a straw and some few vegetables on a plate. Y/N would have complained about the food if they weren't starving, but they were, so they just started eating once the Cameraman put the food tray down.

While eating, you look up at the Cameramen standing there. He looked like all other Cameramen and you couldn't tell the difference between them.

"Um! Thanks, ahah..-"

The Cameraman does a thumbsup, then walks away, and you continue eating.
After you were done and had time to daydream, you wondered how and why the heck they had food if you were the only human. They wouldn't eat and drink, right?

Y/N looks around, studying the surroundings and the so-called "people" all over the place. Y/N felt kinda upset that their legs didn't want to support them well, and they couldn't possibly ask anyone to carry them around. They had better things to do.

Y/N swings their legs back and forth, still looking around in awe until they realize....
Can they go to the washroom??? 😰

Y/N in Skibidi WorldWhere stories live. Discover now