Chapter 3: Takashi Mitsuya

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After a few days, almost a week of waiting, Takashi had finally arrived in London. Y/n picked them up and headed straight home as to avoid publicity. As soon as they got home, Luna and Mana came running inside the house while Takashi and Y/n carry the bags inside.

"Wow, this house is so big and beautiful, we can play hide and seek here."

"There's a lot of rooms and space, do you live alone, Sissy?"

Luna and Mana complimented while looking around.

"Where's your soon to be husband?" Takashi asked, looking around as well.

"He'll be here soon, he just went to pick up his older brother. In the meanwhile, make yourself at home, i'll get you some drinks and snacks.

Just a few minutes after Takashi arrived, Rindou along with his brother, Ran, had arrived, parking their car infront of the entrance.

"We're here, have they arrived?" Rindou asked as he enters the front door.

"Hey, yes they've arrived a few minutes ago. What about Ran? I saw his car with you." You asked noticing that Ran wasn't with Rindou when he entered.

"Fixing and cleaning his car. It smelled like beer and vomit which is why i didn't want to ride with him." Rindou responded with disgust.

"So, is this my future brother in law?" you hear Takashi speak behind you.

"Takashi, this is Rindou, my fiance. Rindou, this is Takashi, my brother. I hope more than my life that you both get along." You introduced them to each other.

They both shook hands and noticed that both their eyes glew red. Just now did you realize that your brother was also an Alpha. It doesn't surprise you as you were an Omega, it does surprise Rindou though as he was not expecting another Alpha around. He doesn't over-react but his surprise was so obvious it made you giggle.

"Nice to finally meet you, brother in law." Takashi smiles.

"Nice to meet you as well, Brother." Rindou responded with a smile as well.

While they introduce and chat with each other, Ran entered the house and greeted you.

"Takashi, Ran, Rindou's older brother. Ran, Takashi, my older brother" you introduced both the older brother to each other.

"Hello, Takashi. Nice to meet you." Ran reached forward to shake hands.

"Hello, nice to meet you too, Ran...? Sorry I forgot your name." Takashi said as he seem to be disturbed by something or someone.

"Yes, Ran. That's my name."

They both shook hands as well but you noticed that your brother couldn't look at Ran as their hands touched. Though, you noticed his face turning slightly red...

"Are you.... Blu-" before you could finish your sentence, you felt Takashi's hand cover your mouth and pull you to the kitchen.

"The hell?-" you exclaim.

"Im surprised and glad at the same time that you didn't choose the older brother... I wasn't expecting someone to be so hot" Takashi whispered to you as his body weakens.

"All these years I've known you, I never thought you'd be gay... " you teased your brother, making him pause and look at you with a straight face.

"You really are mean, Y/n... Also yes... I think i might be gay..." Takashi said looking away from you.

Hearing what Takashi had said, you quickly ran to where your fiance and his brother are and screamed.

"Takashi is gay and has a crush on- hmph-" Takashi covered your mouth once again and nervously laughed while looking at the two.

"She's just joking, she loves jokes, yeah." he said, making the brothers laugh.

"Is that really it?... Could you be lying to us?" Ran stood up and walked closer and closer to Takashi.

"L-lie? W-why would I lie?..." Takashi asked, backing away from Ran.

"Then why are you nervous?" Ran asked still stepping closer to him.

"Im nervous? Was I nervous? Am i nervous? Nah, no im not nervous..." Takashi whispered as he was already pinned on the wall by the oldest Haitani.

"Liars go to hell..." Ran whispered to Takashi's ears.

"That makes the both of us." Takashi responded which shocked Ran.

"Good point." he responded before backing away from Takashi.

Sorry for not being able to update the book for so long, I have been busy and I deeply apologize. Hope you enjoy this for now.

Omega's Affinity Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora