Chapter 2: Work Problems

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Next day, Y/n went out to send the money to her siblings as promised and went straight back home to make sure that she won't be seen by other people. At home she called her brother, Takashi to inform him that she had sent the money.

"I've sent the money, make sure to spend it wisely, okay?"

"I thought you said to buy tickets, why is there a lot? $50,000 for only a ticket?"

"If you need to buy something that you need like some clothes or bags or anything else to make your flight comfortable."

"Thank you, Y/n. We'll buy tickets as soon as we finish packing. Im currently helping Mana and Luna with packing. They're arguing about their own clothes..."

"Let me guess... Mana thinks Luna's clothes are hers, right?"

"Yes, exactly. I told them to bring it either they think it's theirs or not because they both will need it either way."

"You still have to check because Mana might bring Luna's clothes instead of hers."

"Yeah, I am. They're still arguing though. I think it was a bad idea to buy them matching clothes..."

"Yeah, I think it is..."

"Anyways ill just find a way to solve this problem, i'll call you back later, Y/n. Careful there and we miss and love you!"

"I love you too, guys! See you soon!"

As soon as Y/n ended the call, Rindou entered the room and lay down on her lap.


"Yeah... I had to convince my boss to let me take a leave or a vacation on our wedding day cause he keeps telling me that it was an important day."

"How did you convince him?"

"I told him it's either you're moving that important day or im not attending then."

"Did he agree?"

"Yes, he said he can move it sooner."

"Has he rescheduled it?"

"Yeah, he moved it to next week. Have you asked your boss to take a leave on our wedding day?"

"Yeah, I sent her ang email since she didn't come to work today."

"Did she agree?"

"She hasn't responded yet..."

"Im sure she'll respond later. Maybe she's busy that's why she couldn't come to work."

"Yeah, maybe."

Rindou didn't respond as he had already fallen asleep on Y/n's lap. Y/n was playing with Rindou's hair which is something that Rindou loves because it calms him down. Y/n's lap was as soft as a pillow which makes it comfortable. Who wouldn't be able to sleep in that kind of moment.

"Why do you have to be so cute when you sleep..."

Y/n whispered and gently pinched his cheeks.

"I love you, Rin."

"Y/n leaned down to kiss his forhead but Rindou woke up and kissed her passionately on the lips instead.

"I love you even more, My love."

They were both having a romantic moment when all of a sudden, Y/n's phone suddenly started ringing. She grabbed her phone and saw her boss calling her so she answered the call.


"It's only for a few days..."

"But it's only 3 days and it was an emer-"

"Yes, boss..."

Y/n ended the call and looked at Rindou sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"My boss won't let me take a leave..."

"Why not?"

"She said I've already had a lot of leaves she can't let me have another one because it won't be fair for those who haven't asked for a single day of leave."

"Get ready."

"For what?"

"We're gonna talk to your boss."

"There's no need, maybe we can just move the wedding."

"No, we're not moving sh*t. Your boss is just to strict and im not letting her just control you like that. Is she always like that?"

"Rindou please don't make a fuss about this."

"No, we're going to talk to her. Either that or you're resigning, im not letting some random boss treat you like that. 3 leaves is not even too much most especially when it's an emergency. Im not letting this happen."

"Rin... I'll just try to talk to her-"

"Let's go."

"Rin, stop please."

"Y/n... Love please... You're strong enough to stand up for yourself."

"I know but... I'll just talk to her so please don't make a commotion just because of this simple thing. I promise i'll talk to her, okay?"

Y/n kissed Rindou's cheeks to calm him down.

"Fine but if she still doesn't agree then i'll talk to her, okay?"

Y/n smiles and nodded before hugging him.

"We still have to be careful with our public display, Izana is still out there and we don't want to be somewhere in the news."

"Im sorry, I just couldn't let anyone treat you badly when all you ever did was do what they wanted."

"It'll be fine, don't worry. I'll handle it."

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