Blizz's letter to Egplan, Part #2.

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It's worse than I ever imagined...

Phi has joined with Frigid.

I hope it is not too late to bring her back to our side... I grew quite fond of her. If we could overcome her problems, maybe I could overcome the mental toll of the mutation if I had a...

It doesn't matter right now. What matters is if you can save us...

You're Captain now, kid... Empress, really. I know you probably met Delta, I could tell she was messing around with the ship when I was taken.

She's got her... quirks, but I can see you getting along. I used to call her every day bringing status updates on her pa's ship.

When you see this... just tell Mel to rip the bandaid off and tell Demiya she likes him. It does no good if she waits. Yes, I knew. I can read people well, my Ki Sense is insane. I could sense a weak rabbit from an exameter away. Right now, I can sense Snow in the Other World, I can tell she's waiting for me, but I don't want to die till I can see your face one more time, and bid you farewell.

Demiya, if you're reading this... treat the girl right. I know you have a heart somewhere in there, but I'm not sure where it is, is it in your chest? Your crotch? I know it beats for her. Pull yourself together.

Also, Egplan. I know you're gay. I don't care. That doesn't give you an excuse not to clean your room.

Like, seriously.

You're Captain now, set a good example and clean your room. My body is failing me, I'm almost out of blood to write with... This is my final letter. I'm sorry, kids, I love you.

- Sincerely, the dead man.

A purple-haired Saiyan. (A broken world 2/4.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat