"We've been trying to figure out a way to announce Reneé and Alissa's breakup without causing an uproar. Her fans are... very invested in the relationship."

So, they aren't dating.

"We didn't want Reneé to look like the bad guy, especially right before her performance last night," he continued to explain. "After what happened it looks like it will be pretty easy to break the news on her socials. Twitter is already running with the article and you've been getting a lot of positive feedback."

I had to stifle a laugh when I saw the look on Ethan's face.

"So, why did we need to meet about this?" Ethan asked, gaining Adam's attention.

"I spoke with our promotional team and they agreed that this is a perfect opportunity for both of our clients."

I hated when they beat around the bush like this.

"What does that mean?" I asked as nicely as possible.

I was hungover and tired and wanted this meeting to be over.

"A PR stunt."

Well, now I was awake.

"You two are both rising stars in the industry. You're both releasing albums soon. Think about it. The attention this article stirred up is nothing compared to what a collaboration and relationship rumors could do for both of your sales."

"Adam, can we speak outside?"

Adam nodded and the both of them swiftly exited the office.

"I feel like we haven't gotten to properly meet," I spoke.

I was not about to let the deafening silence that had fallen once the two men had left last.

"Hi, my name is Y/n."

"I know," the blonde spoke, leaning forward in my direction.


"I know," I returned the response.

"I have a question."

"I might have an answer," I responded, pushing my hood off of my head.

"Did you know what this meeting was about?"

"Not at all," I answered. "I was woken up about 45 minutes ago when he called me yelling."

She nodded, seeming to be thinking about something else.

"Did you?"

She locked eyes with me and I felt frozen. She was good at holding eye contact.


Just when I was about to respond the two men walked back into the office.

"We'll be in touch," Adam said with a smile before shaking my hand and waving for Reneé to follow him out of the office.

She sent me a smile before the door closed behind her and I looked at Ethan expectantly.

"Looks like you have a girlfriend," Ethan said with a humorless laugh.


"This is the contract," he spoke before plopping a stack of paper in front of me.

"This shit happened yesterday and they already typed up a contract?" I picked up the stack and flipped through it briefly, not actually reading a single word.

"I'm sure it's a revised previous contract, but yes. They work quickly, and I can't deny that they're right."

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Not only does this get Reneé out of a sticky situation with a public break up, but there's no denying that dating rumors between two rising pop stars is hot news."

Ethan shrugged after explaining the logic behind the stunt.

"The contract would extend through the end of March."

My eyes almost popped out of my head when he said that.

"It's August..."

"March gives you both enough time to have summer music ready to release next June," he explained. "They've thought of just about everything. She's got a good team behind her."

"So, what do I do now?" I asked, watching as Ethan opened a desk drawer and pulled out a pen.

"Sign," he stated simply, handing the pen to me.

I was too hungover to give a fuck at this point. I grabbed the pen and scribbled my signature on every line that needed it before tossing the pen on the desk.

"I'm going back to sleep," I said before pulling my hood back on my head and walking out the door.

Angel (Reneé Rapp/You)Where stories live. Discover now