Introduction, Monkey D. Luffy!

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The ride is quiet. She's still weepy, unable to wipe the vision of her mother from her memory. How she'd left her there, lying on the floor. She'd wanted to bury her before they left, but Garp hadn't let her. Said there was no time, that Navy reinforcements could be there anytime, that they had to get out of there while they still could. She knows getting away was the right thing to do, for her mother and for herself.

But she can't help the pain.

The sea is calm, cloudless sky blue as a sapphire gem. Breeze cool and damp, as if to mock her sorrow. She sits silently, eyes fixed on the deep blue below.

Garp doesn't try to talk to her, as if understanding. The rest of their time on the boat is spent in complete silence.

When it comes time to get off, Garp gently nudges her. Waking her from a stupor she hadn't realized she was in. She shakes her head, trying to clear the buzzing of grief from her mind. She leaps out of the side of the boat, landing lightly on her feet.

The island is a sea of green, a sharp contrast from the azure she had spent hours staring at.

"Come." Garp says simply, reaching out a hand, almost out of habit, before drawing back.

She follows, almost wishing that he had tried to hold her hand. She could use the comfort.

He leads her through a village, just like any other, before reaching a house that looks just like every other one. Garp reaches out and knocks sharply on the door in a pattern. Dat da-da-da-dat. A moment passes without a response, then- a sharp dat-dat is heard, and the door is thrown open. On the other side stands a young boy around her age with big round eyes, a scar below his left eye, and a straw hat. He wears a green tank top, blue shorts, and sandals. His eyes travel past her and onto Garp, lighting up.


Then he stares right at her, hands on his hips. He squints hard, leaning forward.

"Who're you?

Garp gently pushes Luffy back, trying to give her personal space.

"Be polite, Luffy. This is..." He pauses. "Well, whatever. Just be courteous, okay? Behave worthy of a marine hero's grandson!"

This seems to be a spiel Luffy gets often, and he doesn't listen at all. He points right at her bandaged left arm.

"What's that? Ya fall or somethin'?"

She hadn't. Her mother had given her that, gripping her arm and telling her to run away, even as her life dripped away. She steps back, shaking her head.

Luffy tilts his head, crossing his arms.

"Well, whatever. My name's Monkey D. Luffy, remember it!"

He sticks out his hand.

She doesn't understand what kind of gesture it is. Her mother had never taught her and the other children never showed her. Luffy shakes his head, laughing.

"What're you waiting for? Man, you're weird!"

A stab of irritation shoots through her, cutting through the dull grief her heart's been covered with. This little...

She scowls, sticking out her own hand. Fake it til you make it, they say.

Luffy tilts his head, waiting for her to do something. She stares back, waiting for the same.

Finally, he sighs, taking her hand in his own and swinging it up and down.

"Shake, shake! See? When someone holds out their hand, you shake it."

Her scowl deepens. Her voice is soft but firm. "I'm not a dog."

Luffy smiles. "So you can talk!"

"'Course I can!"

Luffy sticks out his tongue. "Well, ya weren't speaking. Thought you were mute or somethin'."

She glares. "You-"

Garp interrupts. "Luffy, could you take...[indecipherable mumbling] down to Makino's for a while? I've got business to take care of."

Luffy nods. "Sure, Gramps."

Garp turns, starting to walk away, before turning back towards her to mumble something in her ear. "Better not to draw too much attention. Government's after you, after all."

Her eyes widen slightly before she nods solemnly, crossing her arms. Luffy starts leaving.

"Come on!"

She sighs, exasperated. "You aren't going to ask me if I want to go?"

Luffy sticks his tongue out again, smiling wide. "Nah."

He starts walking away. She follows. As she walks, a sudden thought comes to her.

Maybe this idiot is just what she needs.

Her mother died protecting her, and she isn't going to let that sacrifice go to waste. As she follows, her small fists clench. Determination courses through her veins, fueling her.

She's going to get stronger. Stronger than anyone else.

Unmoored [Portgas D. Ace x Female Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang