Chapter 1: The Arachnid

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In our first world, our characters is a mysterious creature, not originated from his universes earth.
His story starts in a bright starry night, the reflection of the moon lit up the ground.
It was in the middle of what it would seem to be nowhere, because of the lack of light pollution, the stars were easily seen. The wind was blowing softly, the long grass is flowing, the sounds of owls were heard. But in the middle of it all was a house. Connected at the end of a long road, the house stood still. The other side of the road was barely visible because of the distance, but you can notice it was connected to a highway. The house appears to be in the middle of nowhere.

All of a sudden a burst of a high pitched sound came screaming through the sky and crashed behind the shed that was next to the house. The loud sudden bang woke up a drunken man from inside the house. He thought he heard gunshots so he grabbed his shotgun from his garage and went outside. His girlfriend was still passed out drunk in the house, with that in mind the man felt to protect her from whoever was shooting but that wasn't the case. He heard a noise coming from behind his shed.

As he turned the corner, he saw a creature with multiple legs. It was a spider creature the size of a full grown dog. It appears to be made of torn skin and bloody flesh. It quickly crawled to the top of the shed. The man was stunned but wanted to protect his girlfriend. So he went to the front of the shed and reached for the door, but he passed out because he was still drunk. The next morning the man woke up from the sound of a crying baby coming from the shed. He opened the door and there it was, a newborn baby boy.

He was shocked because he's forgotten of what happened the night before. He grabbed the baby and wrapped him in his shirt and went inside. He found a note from his girlfriend that said
"I'm sorry, I just can't live like this. I need to be clean for once in my life. I can't get drunk again. Good bye. - you're EX girlfriend."

All the man could think was to correct her spelling error '-Your* ex girlfriend.' But that wasn't all on his mind. He thought that his girlfriend gave birth and hid it from him. "She hid a baby in a shed?" The man said "I can't raise this baby all by myself!" He then went on a 2 hour drive to a police station and told a police officer what happened.

The man said "My girlfriend gave birth and hid this little guy in my shed, then she left me. We gotten drunk and I don't remember exactly what happened the night before. I can raise the baby. I'm an alcoholic and I can't afford it." The man said. The officer replied with "well, at least you are honest, I'll see what I can do. Maybe adoption could work. He can have a good family to raise him and support him"
The man felt at ease knowing that he has less inconvenience and that the baby can have a good life. He may not be the best person but at least he cared for the child's health.

The child gained a birth certificate and in court, the child was ruled to go into adoption. A lovely family of three, the dad Jake, the mother Sarah, and their son David have all decided to adopt the child. David gained a baby brother Kevin and his parents gained another son.

Even though David was only three years old he understood that him and his new brother will be close friends forever and Kevin's new family brought him back to the lovely city where they lived, La Mesa. Things looked good for Kevin. After all, he will just live a normal life. Well... until he realizes that he's not from this world.

Back at the house in the middle of nowhere, the man who gave up Kevin was in town still, So he thought 'why not get groceries while I'm still out' he later went back to his house and while bringing his groceries inside, he had tripped on the porch steps and hit his head on a jar of jelly. Nearly broke the jar he then remembered what happened that night. In disbelief he put away his groceries and went to check out his shed, but there was no damage, the ceiling was cracked but in good shape.

He was confused, curious, and frightened. It was as someone fixed it recently, but who did it? He then noticed a decent sized scar on his back, in which he never had. He went to his brothers house across the country because his brother was a scientist and had degrees in biology. His brother Marten called the man and luckily for the man he had cameras pointed to his shed. "I had cameras installed because one night some of my bike parts have been stolen. I didn't want to let that happen again because I want to build my bike back to shape. When I seen the footage, bro! it was like this giant spider broke in. It freaked me out. Then the footage ended because apparently my power got cut off to the grid, so the new solar panels were all that was powering my house."

Marten replied with "you should've switched it midday. But the video you sent me. That thing looked extra terrestrial. I know some species of spiders, but that doesn't look like them. I'm more worried about you, you said you had a scar you never had before? I'm wondering how it either healed that fast or how you never noticed it." The man then showed a picture of himself and his ex girlfriend at a lake, with his back to the camera. There was no scar. "When was this picture taken?" Marten asked in fear.

"Four days ago" the man replied. Marten demanded for his brother to come to his lab immediately!

A week later the man was tested, viewed, and examined by his brother Marten. At his lab, There was some DNA that didn't match the man "I have some concerning news. News that you might have to sit down to hear" Marten said. After some time, the man (Josh) was upset and full of fear. said to his brother "marten...the next day...there was a baby in the shed" Marten replied fearfully with "That was no ordinary baby, and it looked like it took some of your DNA and somehow rebuilt your shed... Josh... it might've made you forget about it too. It could cause amnesia, or lack of oxygen in the brain. Who knows! This is beyond me"

they needed a plan, perhaps retrieving the boy could help. So a few weeks later, the brothers traveled back to warn the adoption center. But it was too late, he was already adopted quickly. With the brothers concerned, fearful, and the only ones who know what happened. They went back to Josh's house to come up with a plan.

They didn't know where or who the baby was with, but they decided to research, and hack their way through police records, just to find him. But unfortunately, Josh gotten sick. His back rapidly became purple, he gained migraines, and the pain was extreme. But for five seconds he fell on his knees and felt wonder, and joy, at peace even.

But Marten looked in his brother's eyes as they turned black. Josh said "its beautiful, I wish you could see thi-.." Josh then fainted into a coma.

Worried, scared, terrified, and confused, Marten picked up his brother, bringing him back to his lab. Months later, Marten was committed to find out what happened to his brother. He created a containment chamber that would stabilize his brother.
At first it was just a theory, but the chamber eventually became Josh's new home for a while. Marten now needed a way to cure his brother, so he began developing his plan in his lab. A few years later he found the child.

Kevin was 7 years old when Marten decided to visit him, Kevin was playing soccer with his brother David, meanwhile Marten was hiding and plotting to take the child.

"he looks too human, and most importantly he is.. happy? He doesn't look like an alien or spider. It looks like a normal kid"
Marten was morally stumped, still didn't trust the kid, he knew that he better keep an eye on him, just in case. Marten couldn't do anything to the kid, but he also couldn't let anyone else do anything to him either. He kept the secret to himself, and once Kevin became of age, Marten will then explain.
He "Will" save his brother, no matter how long it takes.
Marten began gathering as much resources as possible, and kept building up his laboratory.

"One day if something were to go wrong, I will be ready"

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