So it begins

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Owen has added Noah, Izzy, Eva, Cody, Trent, Gwen, Ezekiel, Tyler, Lindsay, Heather, Courtney, Bridgette, Geoff, Katie, Sadie, Duncan, Leshawna, Harold, DJ, Justin, Beth, Sierra, and Alejandro to a groupchat

Owen: Hi guys!!


Geoff: Hey dudes and dudettes

Gwen: Hey guys!

Noah: Oh yay. A groupchat.

Heather: Wow Noah don't get too excited

Lindsay: hi everyone!

Beth: Omg yes my first ever groupchat!!!!!!

Ezekiel: A groupchat eh?

Eva: Ugh. Why's he here?

Owen: Because he's a part of the squad!

Noah: We're not a "squad".
Noah: We're just a group of losers.

Cody: So a loser squad?


Cody: Thanks Sierra!

Harold: I'm not a loser.
Harold: I've got mad skills.

Leshawna: Yeah you do baby

Justin: Harold is a loser
Justin: But I'm not. I'm too hot to be a loser

Beth: Yeah😍😍😍😍

Noah: Everyone is a loser, Justin.
Noah: Yeah, even you. Shocking, I know.

Gwen: Well what makes someone a loser?
Gwen: Yeah, losing, but like, losing at what? Life?

Noah: Yeah, pretty much.

Trent: Well how exactly does someone lose at life?

Gwen: I guess when things don't go their way

Trent: Huh. I guess we are losers, then
Trent: On Total Drama nothing really went our way

Bridgette: Well, some things went our way

Geoff: Yeah! I never would've met Bridge or any of y'all if it wasn't for TD

Bridgette: Awww yeah!

Owen: And I never would've met Noah❤

Tyler: owen dude you forgot to say no homo

Lindsay: TYLER!!

Tyler: yeah? linds don't tell me you're just now realizing im here
Tyler: we live together😭

Lindsay: i was just saying hi!💕

Tyler: oh lol
Tyler: hi💕

Duncan: Sure all you sappy love birds found each other or some shit but what else really went our way?

Geoff: We made friends brah

Duncan: I mean yeah, but that's only 1 benefit out of multiple years of hell

Bridgette: It's a pretty cool benefit though, right?

Duncan: Yeah I guess

Sierra: I like Total Drama because I got to meet Cody💕💕
Sierra: But I was REALLLLLLY creepy
Sierra: But now I'm not creepy and I have a bunch of friends and a best friend (Cody hehe)💕💕

Cody: Yep!!

Noah: The whole Total Drama experience really sucked.
Noah: I got a few friends, but nothing other than that.

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