" Everything will be ours"


The plan is going perfectly. Everyone is at Hogsmeade and I've convinced the trio to meet me in the dungeons.

" Merlin I never want to be down here again!" Ron gasps at the chill in the air.

" Oh lighten up!" I smile plastering a fake Hufflepuff smile across my face.

" So you said you wanted to grab something from the potions room to help you study?" Hermione asks looping her arm with mine and Ron's leaving Harry to run behind.

" Yes. Snape offered" I lie smiling in anticipation. I feel no remorse. No guilt.

" Malfoy shoved me at breakfast this morning. When we're finished with this I'm going to hex him!" Harry snaps angrily. I bite my tongue form saying anything. Malfoy is my favourite death eater.

" Of course he shoved you Harry he's a Slytherin. And a pure blood." Hermione says.

" Not all Slytherins are bad" I say. It's true as well. Maybe not for me, but I know some are kind.

" Not you. Everyone else." She huffs turning the corner to the potions classroom.

" Ah here we are. I swear we'll be quick" I smile.

We step into the classroom and I tell the, to look for a grey non existent item. As they continue to search the shelves and walls I mumble a small door locking and room silencing spell.

" Looking for something?" Draco says. He shoots me a subtle wink before advancing on the trio out of the shadows.

" Where the bloody hell did you come from Malfoy?" Ron hisses.

" Leave us alone!" Hermione snaps.

" Oh darling I'm just backup" he smiles at her.

" W-what?" Harry whispers looking horrified at Hermione and Ron. " What do you mean back up"

All of a sudden in walks Theodore Nott along with Crabb, Goyle and Blaise Zambini.

And finally in walks Mattheo Riddle. In one quick spell he has all four of us tied up in the middle of the room with the other deatheaters surrounding us.

Hermione looks at me with terrified eyes.

" Well well we'll The golden squad." Mattheo smirks walking around the circle.

" Harry Potter" he says stopping to stand in front of him. " my dream is to kill you if you weren't already aware" he smirks. I feel Ron and Hermione Tense beside me.

" Let us go!" She shouts kicking her feet.

" Well hello Ms. Granger. What? Your scared?" He asks and the other Slytherins laugh and cackle watching her struggle.

He moves along to Ron who looks like he's seen a ghost.

" Weasley. The useless member of the trio" he says kicking him lightly.

" And last but not least" he makes his way to me now eyes meeting mine.

" Alice." He nods his head.

" Please don't hurt us!" I pause a beat and so does he. I let out a small laugh and so does he and then we're both laughing together.

" I'm so sorry I couldn't even take myself seriously!" I say still laughing.

" No no me either." He says trying to fight back laughter. " Did you change your hair?it looks nice." He says engaging in a casual conversation as if we aren't all tied up on the ground surrounded by death eaters.

" No I'm actually trying this new conditioner." I say. He nods as if remembering now.

" Oh yeah you left that in my bathroom the other night." He says.

" Guys!" Theo shouts from the corner. " Can we not get distracted? Just this once?"

" Shit sorry" Mattheo says waving his wand and releasing me.

Now that I'm standing I can finally get a good look at my 'friends' faces.

" How could you?" Ron whispered in pure disbelief.

" I knew you weren't to be trusted" Hermione snapped at me.

" Oh no boohoo go cry about it bitch. I'm not the one tied up" I say rudely before taking my posterior beside Mattheo who nods approvingly.

" And you!" She snaps. " Youe just like your foul father!" She yells at Mattheo.

" What did you expect? He's my father" he says shrugging.

" Oh come on. Alice you don't actually work for the dark lord do you? You work alongside these people?" Harry asks speaking for the first time.

I open my mouth to speak but Mattheo holds up a hand.

" work for? Alice doesn't work for anyone. She leads." He fiddling with his wand.

" B-but your a death eater are you not?" Ron whispers sadly.

" Oh you poor dumb boy. She's far more powerful than a measly death eater." He smirks.

" Leave" I say to the half a dozen other Slytherins in the room. They immediately bow their heads and exit single file.

" Mmm see?" He smile hand on the small of my back. 

" I'm going to give you the pleasure of dealing with them for a few moments while I talk with the others" he whispers in my ear before exiting.

I'm now left alone with the trio who have tears rolling down their cheeks.

" you betrayed us!" Harry shouts.

" I didn't betray you. I was never on your side to begin with. I just fooled you" I smile.

" We told you everything!" Hermione shouts.

" Ah yes you did. It's been very useful honestly. Thankyou" I nod.

" I knew you were bad new Alice but I never thought you were evil" she says disappointedly.

" So you and Mattheo?" Ron asks.

" Connect the dots idiot!" I snap.

" If I could I would have my way with each of you but Riddle wants to deal with you boys. So I get you" I smile at  hermione.

" I still don't believe this is real! It's all an act. I know you'll save us in the end" Ron says clearly confused.

" Me too" Harry nods.

" Okay believe what you want" I roll my eyes at their utter stupidity. In entrees Mattheo again.

" Don't leave me alone that long with them again!" I say irritated shoving him somewhat aggressively and the others gasp causing the two of us to freeze and look at them.

" Be careful Alice! He'll kill you!" Harry says. Me and Mattheo instantly realize that he means that because I shoved him I'll die.

" Oh you fools" he laughs. I look at. At Theo and giggle before shoving him again. He laughs and lifts his wand making a big show if it.

" Arvada-." He pauses and laughs again. I didn't even flinch.

" I'm not going to kill her you bloody idiot" he laughs.

" Don't you get it! She's not on your side. She is not a death eater. She leads alongside me and my father. She is captain of the dark side. She is not coming to save your poor asses" he says kicking Harry aggressively.

" We've been together since day one. For six years the two of us have plotted against you all. For six years I manipulated you. And now I've won" I smirk satisfied. Mattheo steps forward so we're standing side beside.

" We've won"

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