Chapter XVI: Burning Cold

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The morning sun beat heavily upon the assembled heroes and police, its rays scorching despite the time of year. Glistening drops of sweat not caused by the heat gathered on (L/N)'s skin as he stood further toward the back of the crowd, gathering in heavy beads that rolled down the back of his neck and soaked into the fabric of his mantle. His skin was cold in spite of the weather, clammy and drained of color, and the senior officer taking point on the raid sounded muted as he spoke, as if there were a wall of glass between them, muffled by the sound of (L/N)'s own beating heart.

The other heroes, Rock Lock in particular, might have questioned his resolve if they knew just how shaken he was, but (L/N) was well practiced in suppressing his emotions. There was nothing for the world to see when there was nothing for him to feel. He was quiet and reserved and so no one paid him any notice. Well, almost no one. For a moment he wondered if she would have noticed him now, but of course she would. She always noticed him.

(L/N) was pulled from his thoughts as someone tapped him on the shoulder. It took a second for him to realize they were trying to hand something to him.

"We're passing around a list of current Hassaikai members and their quirks according to our registration databases." There were dozens of names on the list, maybe hundreds, each accompanied by a description of their quirk and a picture for identification. "Commit this to memory."

(L/N)'s hands clenched into fists, crumpling the paper in his grip. The list never seemed to end. It just kept going, and the reality of what was about to happen sank in deeper with every page. For the first time in over a month his hands started to glow as cracks formed in the wall that kept out the unwanted and hid the unseen.

"Hey, it's okay." Someone said to him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "Just take a few deep breaths."

(L/N)'s head turned slightly toward the hand, shrugging it off as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't think we've officially met. My name's Mirio Togata, but my hero name is Lemillion. And you said your name was Beacon, right? It's a pleasure to meet you." The third-year student offered his hand before remembering the blindfold around (L/N)'s eyes. "Oh geez, I totally just tried to shake your hand right now." He laughed. "Sorry about that. Man, I must be coming across as a total idiot, huh?"

(L/N) considered the other man for a few seconds before deciding 'idiot' seemed an appropriate choice of words.

"Anyways, like I was saying, just take a few deep breaths. There's no need to be nervous."

(L/N) scoffed irritably. "Isn't there?" He said seriously.

The easygoing smile on Mirio's face faltered for a moment. That wasn't the response he'd been expecting. Usually people felt reassured, even if it took a little convincing, like with Amajiki. But there was something in (L/N)'s voice that stopped Mirio dead in his tracks. Something in the way he stood that told him he wasn't the type of person that would believe his 'everything's going to be alright' speech. He didn't have the same fire that burned hot inside his soul, the raging flames that blazed a path to victory. The fire that Mirio shared with Deku, and Amajiki, and Red Riot, and Sir, and nearly every other person here. No, (L/N) was different.

His fire burned cold. And standing so close, Mirio felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Sorry," Lemillion uncomfortably rubbed the back of his neck and tried to keep up his smile, "I was just trying to lighten the mood, ya know?"

"Some things have weight for a reason." (L/N) said, finding himself repeating the same words he'd spoken to Kirishima earlier that same day.

The smile fell from Mirio's face as (L/N)'s fire overpowered his own. "You're right." He said, allowing the brightness in his tone to disappear. "To tell you the truth, I can barely breathe myself. I must seem pretty pathetic, huh." He looked down at his own shaking hand. "Telling you not to be nervous when I'm the one that's scared."

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