Chapter VIII: The Curse of Knowing

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It had been three days since (L/N) had rejoined The Watcher Agency and still he had yet to hear from the eponymous hero for whom the group was named, partially because The Vigilant Hero was still tied up in his work with The Nighteye Agency, but mostly because (L/N) was rarely at The Watchtower. During his internship, (L/N) had only spent a minimal amount of time in the field. Most of that week was learning the ins and outs of what happened behind the scenes. Now, operating with the authority of his provisional hero license, he was gaining a firsthand appreciation for just how much the heroes had to deal with.

In the past seventy-two hours alone, he had assisted in five high speed chases, two fires, a mountain rescue, and nearly two dozen incidents of theft or burglary on scales ranging from low level purse snatchings to armed hold ups. It was just past midday when he and Djinn staggered through The Watchtower doors. The two had just dealt with a hostage situation at a bank involving a potential suicide bomber. All said, it wasn't a particularly difficult mission. Djinn and (L/N)'s quirks were ideally suited to deal with the threat, and the incident was resolved without casualties in a matter of minutes. That being said, it was still and extremely tense situation, especially for (L/N). Knowing that one wrong move on his part could result in dozens of casualties wasn't exactly a foreign concept to him, given the nature of his quirk. But this time simply refusing to use his power hadn't been an option.

Cloudburst and Lionheart came into the office around one o'clock just as Djinn, Cortex, and (L/N) were starting lunch. Cloudburst was limping with every right step, and her uniform was torn around the knee.

"Matusi, what happened?" Djinn asked in concern.

"I got clipped by some thugs in a stolen car." Cloudburst dropped thankfully into the nearest chair. "No need to worry, though. It's nothing serious. Just needs a little ice is all." She said as she propped up her leg on another chair.

"Any more calls come in?" Lionheart asked.

"Fortunately, things seem to have quieted down." Cortex informed. "At least for the time being."

"Well, enjoy it while it lasts, I guess." Lionheart shrugged as she too sat down. "And what do we have here?"

"Oh, (L/N) was kind enough to make lunch for us." Djinn said, indicating the vegetable stew and yakitori sitting on her left. "There's more in the kitchen."

Cloudburst and Lionheart looked over at the kitchen area with interest. Matsui was just about to push herself up from her chair when The Courageous Hero held up a hand to stop her injured comrade, signaling that she would get her food for her.

"Cortex filled us in on the bomber situation. Oh, thanks Isamu." Matsui said as Lionheart set a bowl and plate before her and handed her an icepack. "Good work taking care of that one. Especially you, (L/N). That's not an easy situation to be in, especially so early in your training."

"He certainly proved his fortitude." Djinn said. "Most rookies would have been shaking in their boots, but he handled himself well."

"I'm just glad no one was hurt." (L/N) replied uneasily. The others nodded and hummed in agreement.

Lionheart clicked her tongue uncomfortably as a small silence crept upon them as the conversation died. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention to the stew to distract herself from the quiet. A small slurping noise poked holes in the tense silence, followed by a shout which shattered the quiet completely.

"Damn, kid!" Lionheart exclaimed as she took her first bite. "This is some good shit, right here!"

"Isamu!" Cloudburst scolded.

"Sorry, but it's true." Lionheart laughed as she quickly scarfed down the stew. "This is borderline gourmet."

"Isn't it though." Djinn smiled and clapped her hands together. "I couldn't believe how delicious it was. Even Cortex had difficulty concealing his enjoyment."

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