A Disturbance

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"Mother?" The Queen of Naboo looked up at her son. If he had blinked, he would have missed the crinkle in her brown. The slight hitch to her breath. "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

The stricken expression melted into a warm smile that nearly succeeded in easing Luke from his line of questioning, "nothing, lovely. I was just in thought is all."

"In thought of what exactly? The end of times?"

Padme laughed stiffly and put a hand in Luke's hair, "nothing quite so dramatic. How have your studies been?"

"Boring. When do we fly back?"

"To Naboo?"

Luke felt a spike of exasperation, "where else?" He swallowed when she raised a brow at him, "sorry."

"I know you're impatient. I'm impatient as well, but when you grow to be a diplomat, you learn to hide such things." Luke thought about how only seconds prior he had walked in on an extremely disconcerted diplomat, but of course, they didn't show such emotions. "How about this? I promise that if you hold out for the rest of this trip," she clasped her hands on his shoulders, "you can remain on Naboo for the next trip and do as you please." Padme smiled at his relieved expression, "I know I jerk you around all over the place and I do hope you'll forgive me for interrupting your childhood as mine was."

"At least you aren't asking me to become leader of Naboo at fourteen like you were," Luke joked.

"You would make a fine king," she assured him. She pushed his hair back from his eyes, "but I will do all that I can to ensure that you retain what childhood you can. We will start with this deal, all right? No complaints from here on until the end of the cycle and you will get to stay home. Now," she looked him over, "are you ready for this evening?"

"A Master Jedi," Luke recalled. "How in the world do you know a Master Jedi?! Did he train with Uncle Obi-Wan?"

"All will become clear at dinner tonight," she smiled secretly. "Just bring your best, all right?"

Luke had a sinking feeling in his chest that there was a fine-tuned connection between his mother's underlying distress and the excitement for this dinner guest.


Leia smirked from the doorway, "uh oh, looks like plans have already changed."

"Unfortunately," Anakin responded distractedly, "they have."

"What?" She straightened and balled up her fists, "they can't have! You promised!"

"Apparently, I've been making plenty of promises I won't be able to keep today," Anakin mumbled. "I have to go off world. We'll make our trip to Coruscant at a later time."

"Later time being when?"

"As soon as I get back. This is urgent, Leia, and I really need for you to be understanding here."

"I have been understanding!" She stood her ground when her father made to exit through the very doorway her slim frame only partially blocked. Her arm barred the way, "I have been training! I have been doing everything exactly as you have said it! And I'm still here!" Leia searched her father's eyes, hoping to the stars he could feel her hurt through the connection of The Force. He had to.

Anakin dropped his bag and ran his gloved hand through the waves of dirty blond hair atop his head. Leia never recalled him looking so old before. Perhaps not necessarily through wrinkles or age spots, but his eyes seemed heavier. His shoulders dragged down towards his chest. Defeated was a word Leia would never use to describe her father, but there was no mistaking how weathered he appeared to be these days.

"Leia," he smiled weakly at her, "sometimes it's unfair how much you remind me of your mother."

"That's not what this is about."

"I'm well aware. No sympathy for your old man, huh?"

"None whatsoever."

"I'm asking you for just a bit more time. It's a quick trip to help out an old friend and then I'll be right back here. Understand? I have tremendous respect for your patience, Leia, and I know it's unfair of me to ask for more of it at the last minute, but please," his hand clasped onto hers, "just this one time. I'll stay in communication with you the whole time."

"Where are you going?"

"It's a friend on Coruscant. She's in danger and I need you far away from it."

"Is this your friend we were going to meet? I can help!"

Anakin's eyes took on a steely edge, "no, you can't." He interrupted before she could argue, "any more arguing and I'll ask for your patience a great deal more than previously requested." Her mouth went into a firm line. "Thank you." He kissed her forehead, "may the force be with you."

She grumbled, "and with you. I guess you'll need it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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