Nice to meet you.

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Amelia's POV:

"Amir wake up." I said while shaking him. "What happened?" Amir asked me. "Nothing it's 11 pm and we have to get ready to meet the Chucky cast." Amelia replied to Amir. "You're already ready?" Amir asked her. "Yeah.Hurry up we gotta be there before 1:00." I told my twin brother.
When my brother got done getting ready he came downstairs.
"Did you text the uber girl?" I asked Amir. "Yeah,she's coming." My brother replied to me while drinking his coffee.

We heard a knock at the door. "I'll open it!" Amir said excitedly while running to the door.I saw him get excited and I chuckled at him.
"Hey Amelia!" The uber girl came in the kitchen. "Hey Lila.Can we trust you babysitting Iris and Valerie?" I asked her. "Yes of course." Lila said happy and smiling.I gave her rules for the house.And told her there's food and snacks in the kitchen.Lastly I told her to make sure my little sisters eat.

Me and Amir went in the car.When we got into the car I started talking about the Chucky cast. "Do you think they're nice?" I asked my twin brother. "I don't know but they already know each other." My brother said. "Oh yeahh,I forgot that we are in season two and not season one." I chuckled softly.
"You scared Amir?" I asked Amir. "Ehh not really.How about you?" He asked me. "A little nervous that's it." I said while driving.

1 hour later.

We pulled up to the place where they filmed.I parked in the parking lot and turned off my car. "You ready?" Amir asked me. "Yeah,You?" I asked Amir.
"Yep,Let's do this." he said while we were getting out the car.We got out the car and I texted the Director that we were here.After 2 minutes I see the producer coming up to us. "Oh My Gosh.Amelia and Amir Wesley." The director said shocked. "Hey,Nice to meet you." I said to the man. "Nice to meet you.My name is Don Mancini."
He told me and Amir while shaking our hands. "The rest of the cast is waiting to meet you guys!" Don said to us. "They are big fans of you guys and your family." He speaks again. "Oh really?" Amir asked. "Yep,we all are." Don said while walking.We were walking behind him. "The cast is waiting to meet you." He said excitedly. "Today we are just gonna hang out and show you around the set.But we are gonna start filming tomorrow." He told me and my twin brother Amir.We kept walking until we saw 3 teenagers talking to each other.We walk up to them and I see a pretty girl which I was guessing that is Alyvia Alyn Lind.She was beautiful,I thought to myself while walking behind the director Don Mancini.We approached the 3 teenagers who were talking to each other.
"Alyvia,BJ,Zackary.Meet the Wesley Twins.Amelia and Amir." The director said to the 3 teenagers. "OMG.NICE TO MEET YOU GUYS IM A BIG FAN." The curly hair boy said while shaking our hands. "I'm Zackary Arthur by the way." He said while smiling. "I'm Bjorgvin Arnarson you can call me BJ for short.And i'm a really big fan of you guys to" sticking his hand out to greet us. "Nice to meet you guys." I said while shaking BJs hand. "Hey i'm Alyvia Alyn Lind.You can call me Aly for short.I'm a big fan of you guys" She said while looking at me and smiling.We made eye contact for a few seconds but Amir decided to speak up. "Nice to meet you guys." He said while smiling at his sister.

Amir's POV:
I saw Amelia and Alyvia hold eye contact.And I decided to break it up since I didn't want another girl break my twins sister heart again.I spoke up and said "Nice to meet you guys." smiling at his twin sister. "Let's go show you guys your trailers." Zackary said. "Great idea." Amelia said while looking at him. "Okay so me and Bj will show you your trailer.And Alyvia will show Amelia's trailer." Zackary said to me and Amelia.I looked at Amelia and she looked at me.She nods at me to go with Zackary and BJ. "See you later Melia" I said while catching up with the boys.I call Amelia that nickname since we were little.So no big deal.

Amelia's POV:
As soon Amir left with Zackary and BJ to show him his trailer.Alyvia speaks up and says "You ready to find your trailer?" "Yep.Let's go." I said while looking at her.
We were walking to the trailer and she speaks up "What's you favorite color." While walking into my trailer. "Red and black." I said while entering my trailer. "What do you like to do?" She asked me "Uhm I play soccer and guitar.And I skateboard and I like to read." I said to Alyvia while looking in her eyes.She smiles at me and said "You have pretty eyes." She said while looking in my eyes. "Oh really?" I said while sitting down in my chair still making eye contact with her. "You have the sleepy/tired eyes." She said coming closer to me. "Yep." I said smiling. "You have fangs to?" she asked me while looking at herself in the mirror. "Yep got 'em from my dad." I replied to her.
"Can I get your number?" She asked me while getting her phone out. "Sure." I said.I got up to get her phone she was sitting on the counter.I went up to her and stand in front of her.I grabbed her phone and put my number in her phone.When I was giving the phone back to her she touched my hand in a flirty way.She smiled and got off the counter.She was coming closer to me and whispered in my ear "Let's go find the boys." She walked away while winking at me.I was shocked.was she being flirty or something? I had gotten butterflies when she whispered in my ear.She smelt like a vanilla perfume when she came by me.She smelt good.She was very beautiful and her smile is cute.I was thinking then I feel Alyvias hand on my back.I jumped out of my thoughts when she touched me.I felt butterflies in my stomach but I brushed it off. "You okay Amelia?" she asked me in a flirty voice. "Uhh yeah i'm fine." I said while walking away to find Amir.
When I was walking to find Amir I was thinking I can't fall in love again or i'll get my ass heartbroken again.I don't want to go through that shit ever again.I wouldn't eat.I starved myself because of what Cylia did.When she cheated on me I always used to think I wasn't good enough.So I could NOT fall in love with someone again.

I found Amir.He was talking to Zackary and BJ.I walked up to them and said "Hey guys." looking at them.
Amir looks at me worried because I was kinda out of breath. "Hey you okay?" Zackary asked me sounding worried.
"Yeah i'm fine i'm just tired." I lied.
"Okay can we get your guys numbers? So we can hangout tomorrow." BJ asked me and Amir. "Yea sure." I took Zackarys phone and put my number in his phone.I did the same with BJ.
"Where we going today now?" Amir asked me. "We are going to Disneyland next."I said."Wait really?" He said excitedly and jumping. "No dumbass we are going home." I said while laughing at him when he stopped jumping like a little kid.Zackary and BJ we're laughing.
"We'll see you guys soon." I said while waving my hand and walking away to our car.When we got into the car we left and drove home.

Alyvia and Amelia met.🤗

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