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It shouldn't have been this sunny. The day shouldn't have been so nice, on a day as horrible as today. Harry was reduced in putting an add into the paper. 'How the mighty have fallen.' He thought to himself. After a few more minutes of contemplation and mental debate, he finally gave up with a sigh and started the humiliating walk to the post office to send in his request to the news paper. He barely had enough cash to pay for the ad, it was dipping into his decreasing savings.

As he exited his meager excuse for an apartment, he could really see how sunny it was. Not a cloud in the sky. If it were a few years ago, he might have basked in the light and thought of a new song, one that surly would have been a hit. He would have taken a nap later in the day, maybe done some yoga. 'No', he thinks to himself, 'I can't keep living in the past. Those days are over.'

After a little more reminiscing and a few drops of self pity, he finally reached the post office. As he entered he heard the tiny bells jingling, significant that he had entered. It was very empty, not even someone behind the counter. This is what happens when the economy crashes. It seemed like the government didn't even care what happened to him at this point, didn't care what happened to anyone anymore.

Harry digs around in his tan khakis, looking for a few dollars to buy stamps, which he realized he forgot as soon as he entered the small building. After a few minutes of awkward silence, a middle aged woman comes out to help him.

"What can I do for you love?" She asks in a southern accident.

"Just these please." He says while raising his hand that is holding the small package of stamps.

"Alright, that'll be $4.50" She says did interesting, seeming that she's more interested in getting back to whatever she was doing in the back than helping this washed up star. Did she even know who Harry was? Maybe she'd never heard of him? Who knows, all that they both wanted to do at that moment were get this exchange over with.

Harry takes out the money he had gotten from his pocket earlier and hands it the lady. Once he has paid, he puts one of the stamps on the envelope. It seems almost poetic. As soon as he puts on this stamp, he is official saying goodbye to all that he used to be. 'Well, can't focus on that, now can we.' He chuckles to himself as he finishes up and slides the request into the postal slot and leaves with out looking back.

What Harry didn't realize right now, was that this would be one of the best decisions of his life. Not only would he get work, but he would meet something he had only ever wrote about. Something that he had only hoped was reality and not some distant daydream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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