Match 1: Makoto Naegi VS Phoenix Wright [Danganronpa VS Ace Attorney]

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Leona: Ok, Ok, we're really doing this...! Phew...Alright, it's go time!

Hifumi: Ms Vasquez, is everything ok?

Leona: Yeah, yeah, everything's fine! I'm just...very excited to be working with you is all!

Hifumi: The pleasure is all mine! Thank you very much for inviting me

Leona: Well, as a fellow lover of fiction, and when compared to...that other person with the glasses, you're easily my most reliable and safest option! For all we know, she could very well end up on one of these battles someday...

Hifumi: I wouldn't put it past this. But regardless, I suppose we should introduce ourselves to our newfound audience!

Leona: Indeed we should! Hello everyone! I'm Leona Vasquez! Freedom Academy's Ultimate Mangaka, and proud founding member of the Freedom Foundation!

Hifumi: And I am Hifumi Yamada! Also known as...THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA! As well as the Ultimate Fanfic Creator!

Leona: As fellow writers, we dabble in the world of anime, games and fiction all around, and today, we're going to be bringing our reality...metaphorically speaking, to that world, and pit the people we know in fights to the death against them! You know, as good friends do!

Hifumi: Do not worry. These are merely simulations. No one was actually hurt during these proceedings. But yes, she is indeed correct! We know our fair share of powerful, capable people, and our fair share of powerful, capable characters. For example...

Leona: Makoto Naegi, plucky protagonist and Ultimate Lucky Student! A friend of my friend Hifumi and the current leader of Future Foundation's 14th Branch

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Leona: Makoto Naegi, plucky protagonist and Ultimate Lucky Student! A friend of my friend Hifumi and the current leader of Future Foundation's 14th Branch.

Leona: Makoto Naegi, plucky protagonist and Ultimate Lucky Student! A friend of my friend Hifumi and the current leader of Future Foundation's 14th Branch

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Hifumi: And Phoenix Wright, legendary lawyer, and Ace Attorney!

Leona: Two very quirky, kind, yet meticulous solvers of mystery, who put their lives on the line for their cases, be it willingly or unintentionally. Once again, he's Hifumi and I'm Leona!

Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills to see who would win...a DEATH BATTLE!

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