The Dragon Twins

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It is now the year 118. Rhaenyra and Laenor had successfully given birth to 4 boys. 2 of her sons looked like her and her 2 twins were the splitting image of Laenor Velaryon. Rhaenyra was again with her maids holding her daughters. She named one of them Princess Rhaella Velaryon and the other was named after one of Aegon The Conqueror's Brides, just like Princess Rhaenys, she named her Princess Visenya Velaryon. Laenor held one of them as he was expecting his family for a visit. Queen Alicent tried to take her children away from her. As always she wanted to see if Rhaenyra had given birth to a bastard. And make false accusations to ruin her life. And that of course angered her husband.

"Girls, Princess. They're twins."

"Praise the Mother!"

"Well done, Rhaenyra."

"Laenor our daughters are so beautiful. Thank you for giving me daughters. Thank you for our beautiful children."

"You're welcome, Rhaenyra."

(Babies crying)


"Both of them, Princess."

(Door opens)

"Princess...the Queen has requested that the children be brought to her...immediately."

"And why on earth would she request that?"

"I'm only relaying what I'm told, my Lord."


"Princess, please calm down."


"Rhaenyra, calm down! Please send word to my parents. Tell Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys that they have 2 healthy granddaughters."

"My Lord. The Queen-

"I don't care what the Queen said or ordered! I will meet with the King soon. Leave us!"

(Door closes)

"She tried to take our babies! Why would someone be so cruel?"

"Mother and Father should be here soon. I'll go see the King."

"Laenor please don't leave me. She might-"

"Rhaenyra she won't do such a thing. The maids will stay with you until mother and father come. Let me go see Viserys please."

"Rhaenyra. Awww! How adorable, twin daughters."

"Mother! Father!"

"Laenor are you heading somewhere?"

"Rhaenyra almost went to see the Queen and was nearly injured. After she had given birth she wanted to see our children. When she should've came down here herself!"

"I'M SORRY SHE DID WHAT? Corlys please stay with Rhaenyra."

Once Ser Laenor and Princess Rhaenys entered Viserys' chambers after interrupting Ser Criston. They saw the Hightower Queen getting dressed in green. The King of course was disappointed that his wife would do such a thing to his own daughter.

"Princess Rhaenys, Ser-


"Cousin. Are you well?"

"Very. Ser Laenor, I heard you and Rhaenyra had twin daughters. Congratulations."

"Thank you, your Grace. My Queen is there a reason that you tried to take my daughters from my wife after she had just given birth?"


"I have no idea what you're talking-

"Your Grace. The maid told us that the Queen requested that my children be brought to her...immediately. Right after Rhaenyra had just given birth!"

"Alicent is this true? You tried to take my grandchildren away from my daughter?"

"I was getting dressed and I didn't want you to walk so much so I-

"So you wanted my grandchildren to be snatched from my daughter, just so you could see them. How could you do this wife? Ser Laenor, I'm so sorry. I'll be up to see my grandchildren soon."

As Laenor and Rhaenys left to see Rhaenyra. Alicent of course wondered why she would even ask for Rhaenyra's children. But of course as always she wasn't punished for anything because Viserys' blindness to her beauty. Viserys came to see his grandchildren happily holding his granddaughter.

"Well done, Rhaenyra. They're beautiful, just like their father. How was the labor?"

"Fine, father."

Young Prince Jacaerys who is now 4 years old was playing with his toy dragon and learning High-Valyrian language being taught by the Maesters on the orders of his father. Meanwhile 3 year old Prince Lucerys was playing and giggling with his baby sisters who was tugging at his hair. Of course some people still questioned their legitimacy and Jacaerys never paid any mind to it.


"Good job, my Prince."

"Mother, Father...look. I made a blue and purple dragon eggs for my baby sisters. I put them in their cradles."

"Ahh. Those look like the perfect ones."

"Father, when can I learn to be a knight? I want to become one just like you!"

"Don't worry you'll learn how to use a sword, my son."

"Father, please may I hold my sisters?"

"No, no. No. Jacaerys take your brother to go study elsewhere with the Maesters."

"Yes, father."

"Come my Prince's. Give your parents some alone time."

(Door closes)

"Rhaenyra we have to leave. I sense greed in this castle and I think it has something to do with the Queen!"

"No, Laenor we can't just leave. My father needs me."

"Rhaenyra, I told you what your father is-

"Laenor don't. He wouldn't do that to me, he loves me. I know it in my heart he does."

"Does he love you enough to have you killed for nothing? You don't have to live here, Nyra. I know you love your home but perhaps the Sea could be good enough for you! It has enough room for the 8 of us. Mother would be happy to have you there, it'll be Lucerys' inheritance when he grows up."

"LAENOR STOP IT! We will remain here. I will hear no more of this."

"Rhaenyra you told me you were not ready to be queen. I promised that I would protect you. You don't need the Iron Throne."

"Very well then. I command you. As your Princess and the heir to the throne, you are commanded to remain in King's Landing and at my side."

"Rhaenyra please I am begging you! Let me help end your suffering."

"What do you think my father is going to say? I can't just leave him right now!"


"Stop asking me, Laenor. That's enough! Bring me our daughters please. I want to hold Visenya!"

As Laenor handed Rhaenyra their daughter. He had almost forgotten that his wife was a complicated and troubling woman. Nonetheless, he will still try and do whatever it takes to keep Rhaenyra and their children away from her step-mother. The Hightower Queen tried to take their child from her hands and his wife nearly injured herself. How can Laenor convince Rhaenyra that her life is in danger? How can Laenor get Rhaenyra off of the Iron Throne! Find out what happens next time on HOTD: The Old, The Brave, The True Dragon!!!

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