Chapter I: The Adventure Begins

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As soon as Alexander saw Julius's face, he forgot about time to himself. Julius looked distressed, almost like human armies were knocking on the door

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked.

Without answering his question, Julius asked one of his own.

''Do you want to go on an adventure?"

"Well, yes, but what's wrong?

"I just got a letter from someone I know. Do you know the story of Merlin?" Julius asked evasively.

"Of course I know about Merlin! He was one of the most powerful wizards of all time, protected King Arthur, and died when he was over a hundred and fifty years old! What of him?"

"Do you know of his staff?"

Alexander thought for a moment.

"It was a She-staff, but wasn't that special."

"That's wear your wrong." Julius stated. "The staff grew its own intelligence. It could think for itself."

"But-but, that's impossible, it's, it's inconceivable! How can a item get smarter? It is as likely of that happening as there is of my headband to start talking right now!"

"No one knows how or why, only that when a wizard stole the staff from Merlin's grave, he died soon after that crying 'the staff is whispering! She is murmuring my ear, telling me to die!'. How normal is that, pray tell?" Julius asked.

"He was probably insane." Alexander pointed out.

"Perhaps him, but the twenty-eight other people after him, with last word so similar as the first? Unlikely at the very least."

"Well, what does this have to do with us?" Alexander wondered aloud. As an answer, Julius pointed toward a previously unseen piece of paper.

Alexander pick it up and unfolded it, and it read:

Dear Julius,
The She-Staff has become to strong. I cannot control it anymore! Today it summoned five skeletons in my house when I was sleeping! I barely survived, and I had just about enough, so I sent the staff to you just after this letter. Please do not send it back. If you can, bring it to the place that we discussed previously and leave it there.

"What is the place that you discussed? Why has the staff not arrived?" Alexander asked, perplexed.

"The latter question is the one I have been wondering, as this letter arrived almost two days ago. That is the mission I am giving you. You need to get the She-Staff, go to the place I am going to tell you about, and to avoid trouble.

"You need to travel to the ruins of Camelot and return Merlin's staff to his grave."

Alexander instantly spotted a problem. "How will I know where Camelot is?"

Julius sighed. "One of my, um, allies have prepared a tracker for you, that will lead you to Camelot."

"If he has the tracker, why wouldn't he just go himself?"

"I enjoy how you immediately assumed that my ally was a male. SHE is not powerful enough to oppose all the bad stuff by herself, and I cannot travel that far either."

Alexander felt stupid, but instead replied, "When should I leave?"

"At first dawn."

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