Getting Settled

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It's the next day and Fatima end up sleeping in. Zac had cleaned and got everything situated for when she gets up. Fatima wakes up looking for Zac.

Fatima: Baby where are you.

Zac: I'm in Zi room baby.

Fatima walks to Zion's room.

Fatima: Oh wow, I see you got a lot done while I was sleeping.

Zac: I did. I'm finished with Ava's room. I just gotta finish Zi room and then do the nursery for our new bundle of joy.

Fatima: I love that we already have a big house. Because the route we're going, we gonna have ten kids running around here. Mr.Don't pull out.

Zac: You don't like when I pull out.

Fatima: And don't.

Zac: Maybe just one more.

Fatima: Baby I don't know about another one. Well let me not say that because seem like everything I say it, I end up pregnant again.

Zac: True, but I think you low key like being pregnant.

Fatima: I mean besides the nausea and tiredness, I love carrying your babies. It makes me feel more connected to you. Not saying I don't feel connected to you when I'm not. But it's a different kind of connection when I'm carrying your babies.

Zac: And I love watching them grow inside you.

Fatima: You wanna relax by the pool?

Zac: Sure, we can do that. Also what do you want for dinner tonight.

Fatima: I don't know, what do you have in mind?

Zac: I thought maybe throw some salmon on the grill, with some asparagus and some roster potatoes.

Fatima: That sounds good.

Zac: Well that's what we'll have.

Fatima: I glad that Ava and Zi are back with their cousins, I just hate that Aisha and Faith didn't come back.

Zac: Yea, but they'll eventually come back.

Fatima: Yeah, I give it a couple weeks if not days. Aisha can't stay away from me too long.

Zac: Oh I already know. Y'all connected at the hip.

Fatima: And so is Zi and RiRi

Zac: Them two definitely connected at the hip.

Fatima: Time just flying by so fast.

Zac: Speaking of time, baby I was thinking for our 10 year anniversary, we should do something.

Fatima: And what do you have in mind?

Zac: I don't know but something special. These literally has been the best years of my life.

Fatima: I would have to agree with you on that. It's such a blessing to be able to spend a decade with the love of your life.

Zac: Definitely is. And we've been through so much together and survived it all.

Fatima: You definitely right about that.

Zac: Come on let's go sit by the pool.

They went and sat by the pool.

Fatima: It's sure is a beautiful day today.

Zac: It really is. It's not too hot out either.

Fatima: Right, because if it was, I wouldn't be sitting out here.

Zac: So are you going back to work at the law firm?

Fatima: I'm planning on it, I mean I do still have my office there. But I want to expand it. I know there's new lawyers there now since we left. So ima sit down with Andi and come up with a floor plan.

Zac: Expanding it would be good. And we got a contractor so it wouldn't be a problem or anything to worry about.

Fatima: Facts!

Zac: It's all going to work out. Ima make sure of it.

Fatima: Look at us, we got our own companies, we doing good for ourselves.

Zac: This all I ever wanted. To build an empire with the woman I love.

Fatima: A dream turned into reality.

Zac: Baby I love you so much

Fatima: And I love you so much more my king.

Zac: You wanna sit out here or go in the house?

Fatima: I'll sit out here and relax for a min.

Zac: Okay well I'ma get dinner started then. Do you need anything?

Fatima: Okay baby, just some water.

Zac: Okay be right back.

Zac went and out Fatima some water and brought it to her.

Fatima: Thank you baby

Zac: You're welcome baby.

Zac went and got dinner started.

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