Chapter 1.

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"No, This is not okay Bella, come on. Dad you can't let this happen!", Said Alexandria swan angrily. She was talking to her father, Charlie swan and sister, Isabella.

Her sister, Isabella just announced she was getting married to Edward Cullen, The guy who left her in the middle of a forest, A guy who separated her from her family and her friends, A toxic piece of shit. She hated him and his family.

This all started when her and isa came to forks to live with our dad because our mom needed space. When we started our new school we met the cullens, Well saw them. After that Bella became desperately trying to talk to him, and get his approval. Later they both announced they were dating and Bella changed and oh how she changed. She stopped spending time with me & dad slowly and started slowly getting away from her friends too. She would hardly even spend time home!

After her 18th birthday, she came home with a broken arm and then after days Edward left her. Then started her daily screaming, I mean Alexandria and charlie were hardly ever getting any sleep. It was all basically a shitshow honestly.

Things happened after that, Edweirdo came back, they got together, Bella ran away, etc. And that led to them announcing their engagement, Right now. I mean Alexandria was disgusted, He was a damn predator and toxic piece of shit for god sakes.

Dad shaked his head, " It's her decision sweetie, we can't do anything", He signed.

"Come on!", Alexandria protested, Glaring at edweirdo. As dad gave me a look, Alexandria signed and stood up. "I'm going out", Alexandria said and left.

"She isn't wrong, bella", Charlie said as bella gave him a look. Charlie left after giving bella a disappointed look and a nod to edward.

 Charlie left after giving bella a disappointed look and a nod to edward

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{ Sorry It's a short chapter but It's just a little teaser as to say }

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