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Dusty. That's the only way Rainer could describe the new universe he and the others were currently stuck in. The werewolf turned to Cake with a frown. He was upset with the cat for breaking the remote. He didn't even know she broke it until they made it here.

"We've been walking for miles, but I've seen no sign of the ice Kingdom." Said Simon calmly as he stared at the empty scenery. "And no sign of where to look for a crown."

Fionna looked defeated, but wanted to look on the bright side. "Hey, at least we haven't seen any vampires here." She commented.

"Oh, great! We left monster world and ended up in crapworld!" Exclaimed Cake angrily, clearly upset with Fionna.

Rainer turned his head into that of a wolf and growled at the cat who replied with an angry hiss. "Don't give me that when the girl you did nothing to help!" She exclaimed angrily, making Rainer more upset.

Simon saw this and quickly stepped in between the two. "Calm down, you two." He said calmly. "Fighting each other won't fix anything."

Rainer frowned, but obliged while Cake gave one more hiss before going quiet. Simon sighed before they started moving again until they found a decent place to set up camp. Fionna and Simon each sat on a dry looking tree log while Cake sat on the ground next to Fionna, Rainer layed belly first on the log Simon was sitting on.

Rainer zoned out as he stared at Simon. He wasn't angry with Cake because she stranded them in this world, he was angry because she ended their adventure. If the remote brought them here that meant that there was a crown in this world somewhere and they would have to find it. This was their last stop. The last moments before he'd have with Simon before they'd have to go their separate ways. Rainer quickly transformed into a lap sized wolf and layed on Simon's lap, ignoring Cake leaving with a grumpy expression. Simon saw this and started brushing Rainer's head and back with his hand.

"Guess you're tuckered out from your tussles with the vampires." Said Simon with a smile as he continued to brush Rainer's fur.

Perhaps it was selfish of him to do this instead of help look for the crown of this universe, but he was scared of what was ahead. Even with Simon's reassurance that he would be fine, he was still afraid.

Interrupting Rainer's coping mechanism was the sound of Cake screaming from a distance. Fionna quickly panicked and headed towards the source of the scream to find her cat. Rainer frowned as he got off of Simon's lap as the antiquarian followed the human girl to what looked to be a dead version of Finn and Jake's treehouse.

Simon panted as he struggled to run to the treehouse, making Rainer feel guilty for wanting to keep the run long. Surrendering to his guilt, Rainer shrunk down and headed under Simon before growing large enough for the antiquarian to ride on his back as he headed for the treehouse.

"Thanks for that. I'm not as young as I used to be." Said Simon cheerfully from atop Rainer's back.

Rainer, still in his wolf form, smiled as he dashed into the treehouse and shrunk down to a tiny size to let Simon onto the ground in front of a ladder they needed to climb. Rainer quickly jumped onto Simon's head and clung tightly as the man climbed the ladder.

"You've been really clingy lately." Said Simon worriedly. "Is everything okay?"

Rainer only whimpered in response, leaving the antiquarian to wonder what was going on before their eyes laid on a familiar little robot next to Fionna and Cake.

"BMO!" Exclaimed Simon in surprise.

Rainer was surprised too. BMO was here and this meant that this place WAS Finn and Jake's treehouse.

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