2# An Island

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A slight pinch to my nose makes me stir, I open my eyes to come face to face with a crab. One of its little crab claws hangs onto my nose, while the other reaches up to grab onto my cheek. I sit up in a rush making the little crab fall onto the sand and scurry away.

What the?  I sit upon a small, sandy beach, with minimal rocks on it, and a couple broken planks from my once, small Fishermans boat. I look behind me to reveal a small, uninhabited island.

Where am I?  A couple of coconut trees and some bushes are the only thing that looks to be helpful in a time like this. 

WHERES MY MUMS MEDICAL BAG?!?!? I shoot straight up and look around franticly. 

It's the only thing I have left of her. I can't lose it!  The thought of my village pops back into my mind as I look around the shore for my mum's precious bag. Just then as I walk past another piece of broken plank, a brown leather strap catches my eye.

Her bag!!! I run over to it and lift off the plank of wood before opening up the flap and checking inside to make sure it has all the stuff in it. 

Few, it's all there. I look down at my body and check for any serious injuries. My mum taught me how to look after cuts, bruises, dislocations and broken bones. 

I don't see anything wrong with me. I look out at the deep blue sea.

I wonder if I'm still in the east blue. I remember the map I had in my pocket so I reach into my pocket to pull it out to see if I can find any island closely resembling this one, but when I reach into my pocket, I only pull out mushed up paper. 

Damit! I look back into the medical bag to see if anything in there could help me, I pull out two pairs of large scissors.

I remember these, my mum fought off some mean pirates with them. She used them as weapons. I accidentally prick myself on them.

They're really sharp! It seems as though I'm going to be on this island for a while so I walk up into the bushes to see if there is any food, I could store so I don't starve.

~One month later~

I mark the day off onto the tree with my scissors.

"Today marks the day of me and this small island one-month anniversary" I say to nothing, it's been very lonely on this island by myself. I'm starting to starve. Even though I have water it feels like I'm going to die! I have eaten almost all of the coconuts that I stored, and I use the shells of them as water catchers when it rains. I tried to fish, but it seems as though this island has been fished dry by something. Still no boats have been seen and I'm starting to lose hope. If someone does save me, it would be a miracle; I would owe my life to them...

~Three weeks later~ 

It hasn't rained a lot so I'm running out of water too, all of my coconut stash is gone along with my hope. I'm going to die on this island, alone and starved.

I wish mum was here, she would know what to do... I lay on my back, in the scorching sun. Most of my body is covered in sunburn making it excruciating to stand up or do anything, so I can only lay on my back, next to my S.O.S I wrote in the sand.

~Nami's P.O.V~ 

I look out over the sea spotting a little island. I look over at my map.

It doesn't say there should be and island there. I grab my binoculars and have a closer look at the island.

Is someone on it?!? 


We should save them, they look dead. I turn the boat and start heading over to the little mound of dirt and trees.

~Your P.O.V~ 

I look up at the clear, blue sky. A commotion in the water makes me turn my head towards the shore. 

A SHIP!! A smallish ship sails towards the island with it looks like three people aboard. a weak smile lays on my face knowing I will be saved. My vision starts to blur as I slip away from consciousness.

~No one's P.O.V~

The three people hop off their little ship and walk over to you. 

"Is she still alive" A raven haired boy says as he crouches down beside you. 

"I don't know yet" A girl with orange hair crouches down on the other side of you and feels for your pulse. A weak, but steady beat lays under the orange hair girl's fingers.

"Yep, she's alive!" She says as she sits up and walks back to the boat. The green haired man looks around the island before also hopping back into the boat. The dark-haired boy remains by your side, looking at your face.

"Well, are you grabbing her?" The woman asks.

"Yep" The black-haired boy says as he scoops you up and carries your small figure onto the boat. before it sets off again.

"Hey, were getting close to Gecko Islands. Thats where we can drop this girl off and get a boat." The navigator says.

Word count: 899

The Medic (One Piece x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon