When you know, you know.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah but..." The boy trails off. He turned his head when he felt Mo, Sandy's cat, leaping onto the bed. The feline made its way up the sheets, curling against MK's side with a meow.

The only one to ever stick around when he was sick was Nezha, and even then, MK went through many days and nights waiting for his Angel to visit again.

"We can leave when you want to sleep." Tang says, "But here-" He grabs a hefty book, showing off the cover. "The Journey to the West~"

MK feels the weight of the years creep against his back. Years of illness and solitude convincing him that getting sick was something he had to deal with on his own. His voice was quiet, crackling when he spoke, "Y-You want to read to me?"

"Well yeah." Tang nodded, "It's not fun just laying in bed all day when you are sick." He flipped the book open to the first page. Pushing up his glasses, he got into 'Reading Mode '. He cleared his throat, and began. "We heard that, in the divine order of Heaven and Earth, a single period consisted of 129,600 years..."

While MK was always more interested in the Monkey King, and his adventures, he also didn't mind the history that dripped across the pages, dropping new fun facts for him to learn. Maybe when his Angel visited, MK could tell him something new this time! Did his Angel know that a period of time consisted of 129.600 years? Or that, dividing this period of time were twelve epochs? Was he even aware of Sun Wukong's adventures, or could MK fill him in?

Tang continued using voices and setting the scene, with vigor in his voice as he went along.

MK could only stare in wonder as the three adults surrounded him in care and comfort. He still had to wait for his Angel to bring him some tea but- MK already felt better. Sinking into his sheets he hugged them close, his chest bubbly as Tang's words filled the air.

He didn't notice when he fell asleep. When he awoke again, Tang was still holding his hand, his head against the mattress and slumped over in his chair. Pigsy and Sandy were in similar positions, snoring away.

MK used his extra blankets to cover them up, curling against Tang's hand to press his forehead to his fingers.

If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

He's so glad he didn't give up and tried one last time.
When a few months had passed, MK's life and the changes in it started to feel normal. He was used to his new school, and the kids were pretty friendly. He was also used to the neighborhood now, the house, and everything in it started to feel like... His.

Was this all really okay?

He felt selfish at how much he liked it here. He felt scared when he thought this all might go away. He had never felt so close to any of the others before. He had never wanted to call any of them "Dad" until he met Tang and Pigsy. But he wanted to. He wanted parents, and he wanted it to be them!

He mulled over this thought one day, quiet during breakfast and at dinner. It had caught his guardian's attention rather quickly. They weren't sure if MK wasn't trying to hide it or if he honestly thought they wouldn't notice- of course, knowing where he grew up made sense.

Speaking of, the Orphanage had recently been called into question. It was under heavy investigation.

For who knows why~

Tang and Pigsy quietly fist bumped under the table after reading about that in the newspaper.

"Hey, MK." Sandy spoke up, catching the child's attention during dinner. "You seem a little down. Everything okay?"

MK snapped his gaze up, startled. "H-Huh?" Realizing everyone was looking at him he flushed. "Oh! Yes... Yes, I'm fine." He stammered, waving it off. "Just um- thinking of homework."

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