Beside him, his mate flinched into alertness, turning over to stare at Mihou with wide eyes. Glaring ahead, quivering, and breathing laboriously, Mihou slipped back to return to lying on the bed.

His chest heaved in an attempt to calm him. He rubbed his arm over his eyes, sensing a wet sting. Wukong shifted beside him, slowly sitting up.

"Mihou??" Wukong was leaning over him; concern etched across his face.

Liu'er Mihou blinked hazily, tears streaming down his face. He turned his head a little, realizing he was still in their bedroom, lying beside Wukong and their shared bed. Wukong was sitting on his stomach, his hands pressed on either side of Mihou's face to peer down at his mate.

"Wukong...?" He asked quietly.

Wukong let out an exhale of relief. "Mango, what is it?" His hand reached out, brushing one of the many tears staining his lover's face. "Bad dream...?" He seated himself on his Husband's lap, cupping Liu'er face.

Bad? No, it wasn't bad; it was... It was...

Mihou's thoughts felt jumbled. He felt like he could still feel that warmth in his arms from his dream. It called out to him- it needed him... But he couldn't recall who it was. Starry golden eyes..?

Mihou shook his head at Wukong's question, unsure, with his throat closed with emotions. Sensing this, Wukong tugged Mihou's arms into a sitting position, tucking his mate's head into his shoulder.

Immediately Mihou pressed against his mate, burying his nose into Wukong's fur at his neck for comfort. It felt foolish to cry over a dream. Especially one where he didn't even understand what was upsetting about it.

He could hardly remember the dream now; all he felt was its loss.

Wukong drew Liu'er face from his shoulder, kissing the tears from his Husband's soft cheeks. "You don't often cry." He notes calmly. He cards his hand through Mihou's hair, tilting his head upward. "It must have been something startling."

"I... Suppose it was." Mihou looked up at Wukong, admiring the ruby color of his eyes. Once, long ago, Wukong's eyes had been gold. That was before the celestial realm, or more correctly, the Jade Emperor had attempted to kill Wukong by sticking him within the Eight Trigram Furnace. Wukong had been stuck within it for several days in the hope of removing his immortality and ending his life. It concluded with Wukong's vision being stained blood red.

Mihou tenderly caressed Wukong's cheek, longing for the gold his Husband's eyes once held. It had been a long time since then, but he would never forget the golden hue he had first fallen for. Tipping into Mihou's hand, Wukong kissed his palm.

"Mango." Wukong took Macaque's chin to kiss his Husband, claiming his mouth as they rolled back against the covers. He lounged peacefully against Liu'er chest, his fingers toying with tufts of his fur. Their kiss was sweet and passionate, assuring them that everything was okay. Liu'er was melting under Wukong's touch, drawing a purr from his chest. Pulling away only when Mihou's lips were swollen, Wukong murmured, "If I could ease the worries of your mind, even in your dreams, I would be content."

The darker monkey panted, nipping Wukong's lower lip. He lifted his hands to entangle through the King's hair, a golden ring radiant on his finger. "You assure me just fine, Peaches. I'm not even sure why I had that strange dream... Couldn't even fully explain what happened in it."

"Dreams are strange. Sometimes they pull from us what we, ourselves, don't even realize." Wukong lay across Mihou, resting his head on his chest.

Mihou chuckled at his strange quote, "Where did you hear that one from?" He cupped the back of Wukong's head to curl his fingers through his hair and back.

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