The Witch's Return

Start from the beginning

"How did they manage to get this close?" Yellow Tusk grunted, not understanding how they hadn't even heard their approach. Not even Mihou seemed aware of this attack, even with his skilled hearing. Together the adults kept their backs to the stairs and dance floor, where they could keep the masses of young and unarmed safely behind them.

It was like they just materialized from thin air.

"Whatever is happening they just keep coming." Ao Lie glared at the window. Theorizing perhaps something like a portal was being used. If so, they would need to close it less they be here all day. He slipped around Azure, brushing against the taller form. His voice caught the Emperor's attention, drawing magenta eyes against his own. The first they had looked at each other face to face in what felt like a lifetime.

Ao Lie's own green pupils dilated, sharp fangs growing from his mouth- seconds from transforming. It crawled up his back, his natural form wishing to breathe life. To stretch outward and take his prey into his claws- to punish them for daring to threaten the loved ones here with him this evening. To threaten his Emperor... "I will take to the outskirts of the palace." From there he could track down this deathly army's means of getting close and test his theory. 

Azure's magenta eyes crossed over the smaller dragon's face, taking into account his suggestion. The idea didn't sit well with him, "Would be unwise to send you alone." He shakes his head, not too keen to send in those under his protection blindly. Especially the man he had been seeking out these long years. "Normally you are one for the more cautious path." he says, knowing this fact all too well.

"One must also know when to act." Ao Lie stepped around him, tugged back when a heavy hand snagged his wrist.

Azure's touch on his arm was burning, tightening to hold the man against him. Ao Lie's eyes meet Azure's, pinned beneath them. They boil, softening to concern. "You expect me to just let you run off again? Blindly put yourself at risk?" Something unspoken lives between their shared breaths. Something hidden in a night long ago, shielded behind locked doors. A conversation they hadn't had since the night in question. A moment- a feeling- both too cowardly to let out of their hearts.

A indulgence of passion influenced by the burning taste of alcohol and the little smiles shared between the two that fateful evening.

"I need no protector, Emperor." Ao Lie spoke, a flutter to his eyelashes. He feels the way his pulse quickens, betraying his every sense. The very reason he ran off all those years ago was due to his inability to trust himself around Azure. Too easily his heart was swayed. Too easily he was drowning in seas of fluorescent pink. "I am perfectly capable by myself." They duck when Yellow Tusk throws a solider over their heads, hearing fragile bones breaking against solid cement.

"You too swiftly go off by yourself. Just like all those years ago, when you left without so much as a letter." Azure's mane fluttered from the gust of Peng's wings ahead of them. To be having this conversation now, within the middle of a battle field- of course now was the time Azure pushed for this.

" Azure ." he pleads, "Don't do this now."

His fingers dance their way up to Ao Lie's shoulder, "If I wait you'll slip away."

"Certainly you can trust me to check on everyone after the battle is said and done?" the dragon scoffed, practically insulted. "I won't run off."

Emperor Azure offers but the smallest of smiles. "I'll keep you to your word then. Return swiftly."

Ao Lie's frown was dashed with a sheepish nature. He offered a cat-like smile, "I tend to be someone to take my time."

"You certainly are." Azure took a hold of Ao Lie's other arm, nodding in agreement to the notion. With a sharp pull, he was bodily tossing the dragon over the consuming army, right out the upper window. In a flash of green Ao Lie was taking the form of a dragon, shooting into the skies to find exactly what they were dealing with. It was freeing to be in his true form. He kept himself small for space purposes, but never did he feel more alive than when he could soar through the sky.

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